The Promise 3

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"Halmoni, the plants bear more flowers today," Shar happily told an old woman.

"Really? Maybe they like it when you visit and talk yo them regularly.

I felt more nervous when I saw hose held by her Lola.

"Halmoni, may I be the one to shower them? Shar requested.

I was not able to escape.


Shar somewhat feel startled but since they have visitors who is coming so I was able to escape.

I ran as fast as I could, so I was able to escape before their automatic gate closed.

I acted as if I had a very early morning jogging until I reached the hotel.

The employees were shocked to see me back. They thought I was kidnapped or lost.

I called Lolo immediately to tell him I'm okay and safe.

Lolo came back to Philippines and I went at the airport together with Lolo's secretary.

Just when I see Lolo, I hugged him right away for him not to be mad at me. It is what I usually do everytime I made a mistake even when I was young.

Lolo just looked at me.

"Hmm," he then said then go inside the car.

I followed him immediately afraid that he might leave me.

"Lo, did you buy anything for me?"

"Lo, what's the new fashion in America?"

"I was not able to buy, I was in a hurry to come home," finally I heard Lolo's reply.

"Lo, I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"Your girlfriend have you talked to her?" Lolo suddenly asked.

I felt like my head was hit on the wall because of Lolo's question.

"Don, did you hear what I said?"

"Yes Lolo, I clearly heard it."

"O, then, have you talked to her?"

"Actually, I'm on my way Lo,"

"On your way? When?"

"Now, Lolo, please stop the car."

"Just call her, and let's pick her for her to choose the dress she will wear."

"Lolo, I can handle this, let me do it by myself.

Then suddenly the car stopped because of Lolo's signal.

"Go, just make sure she'll come."

I went to Shar's house. I looked for her shoes at their main door but it's not there so I thought she's at the sea. So I went near the sea.

As I saw the pink and white house. I noticed how the window and door is exactly placed to overlook the sea.

I continue walking because I remembered the stairs going up to their house.

Then I noticed a girl who is getting something.

I found out it's Shar and she's trying to get her other pair of shoes in a not so safe place.

She might fell so I hurriedly called her name.

She looked where the voice came from. Because of that she accidentally pushed the shoes and almost fell.

"Don't worry, I'll get your shoes for you," I confidently told her.

She stepped down nine steps from the stairs and signals me to go upstairs.

I hurriedly went upstairs and when two steps more away from where she is...

"You?" he said.

"I'm Don, in case you want to know my name. I promise I will get your shoes."

"I can't trust you. Just forget about it."

"Then shall I get the shoes and throw it on the sea?"

"The shoes is very important to me and I really want to have it back. If you could give it back to me, then you can have one wish from me."

"Really?"I happily asked her.

"You just heard it,"she answered.


"I promise to grant a wish from Don if he could give back my shoes," she promised.

I was inspired to get her shoes even if it is really dangerous. But I am really determined to get it.

In order to get her sympathy I acted as if it was really hard to get her shoes so that she will really grant the wish I will ask her.

I didn't use any thing to get her shoes but decided to get using my hands.

As I got her shoes, I showed it to her and wave my hand holding it.

"Take care of it,"she shouted.

But then, it is not as easy as going back to where she's standing.

I felt scared as I looked down. It was really frightening.

I don't know if I could survive if I will fall down.

But I have to succeed. I have to give back her shoes the way it is.

I bite the tip of my t shirt and put the shoes inside to make sure it won't be damaged.

Actually her shoes is extraordinary, it was really beautiful.

Grateful I am, I was safe and got her shoes.

Before giving her shoes,

"I wish you to come at the anniversarry at Han Hotel at 6:00 pm tomorrow."

"May I have my shoes now?"

I put her shoes on her left foot after wiping the dirt on it.

I felt how good her foot is. I noticed how beautiful they I felt frozen as I am holding her foot trying to put her shoes on. I remembered her walking barefoot at the seashore.

After putting her shoes on...

"Are you not afraid that I might not come?"

"You already promised you'll grant my wish. I trust you."

After hearing my reply, she climb upstairs without confirming she will or will not come.

But before she could have her last step, she looked back and smiled at me.

"See you tonight."

I was very happy. I walked at the seashore happily, I even played with the waves because I am really happy.

As I got home.

"What happened to you?" Ya nay asked feeling worried looking at me wet with sand on my shoes and pants.

"It's nothing Ya nay, I am just so happy and I played at the seashore."

"Then hurry up and change your clothes, take a bath as well, you might get sick."

"Before I go, what will I wear at the party?

Ya nay smiled happily and stared at me as if telling something to me.

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