Wondering 5

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"Donny, why are you sleeping here at the rooftop?"

"I thought Shar came but it was just a dream."

In the morning, I saw Shar at our hotel with her Lola.

Thinking she might have a reason why she did not come, I smiled at her though I felt disappointed.

"Can we talk?" she asked me.

Then I nodded.

We talked near the seashore. This time I noticed she's not that strong. She looks pale.

"You okay?"

"Ne...and you?"


"I didn't see you last night, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Lolo said you might have an emergency,"

"Somewhat, but I tried to come, but the party already ended."

"Did you really come?"

"I did."

"Stop lying, it should have been better if you just told me you were not able to come because you're sick," I told her.

Then she just walkes away from me slowly without any word.

She then removed her shoes, picked it up and walked barefoot.

It was like my dream last night.

But I have to let her do it because I want to know why.

After walking 100 meters away from me, still she's walking, I felt pity. I ran to stop her. But I saw drop of blood on the sand. I hurriedly ran to her.

I held her wrist and let her sit on the big stone.

"Why are you doing that?" I asked her.

She didn't reply.

"Are you not hurt?" I asked her again but still she's speechless.

The more that I felt worried when I saw her feet. For sure it's hurting her a lot but she seems not feeling anything. I felt like she's numb who cannot feel anything.

Again, I wiped out the sand and blood on her feet.

I wonder why she does not feel hurt. Then someone called her.

"Downstairs," she only answered then told me to go away from her.

I did as she told me. But actually I want to know who will help her. I hid and stay focussed to where she is.

Her lola came to help her. I noticed her lola knew what she usually does.

She's about to wipe out the sand on her feet but she noticed it all cleaned.

I was really surprised to know that they have a secret escalator just beside their stairs.

I went back to the hotel with so much questions in my head.

But at the end, I believed to what she said that she came. I was relieved knowing she did according to what she promised.

The next day, I went near their stairs. But I was not able to see Sharlene.

Since I can't wait her, so I decided to go upstairs.

Then, I hid when I heard them talking...

"What is the date today?" Sharlene askes.

"It's Wednesday, May 6."

I was so curious why they are talking about dates so I tried my best to get closer to where they are.

But then, their topic suddenly changed.

"How's your feet?"

"Gwaenchana Halmooni."

"You sure?"

"Ne," Sharlene answered.

"Yesterday, I noticed that your feet are clean, did you clean it on your own?"

"Halmooni, when will I stop walking without my shoes on?"

"Someday, just bear it for now, someday, you won't hurt yourself."

"Keunde Halmooni, what if that day won't come? Otteoke?"

"Don't think that way."
Then her Lola helped Sharlene and massage her foot.

I wanted her Lola to meet me so I went downstairs then go up for them not to notice me that I heard what they are talking.

"Good morning po," I greeted her Lola and Sharlene.

"Good morning, but...."

"Please let me intriduce myself po, I am Donny Han, and I met Sharlene not too long ago, I am very glad to meet you po."

"Han.....did you just say Han?"

I smiled at her Lola.

"How are you related to Davidico Han?"

"He's my grandfather po, do you lnow him?"

"Long story hijo, but...did you invite Sharlene to a party?"

"Yes po..."

"I was not able to meet you when I droped Sharlene there."

Her lola opened the gate and let me go inside their house.

I would like to ask how's Sharlene's feet but I noticed she seem not want to talk about it.

"Halmooni, I'll go inside."

Upon Sharlene entered their house, Lola whispered something to me.

"Never look at her feet because she does not like it."

"I'm sorry po, I didn't know."

"O wait, why do you know about the stairs at that part? And why are you here?"

I only smiled because I don't know what to say...but for sure she will doubt if I'm not going to say anything about her.


"Oh wait, I was just wondering why Shar agreed to attend an anniversary."

"It's a matter of chance po, I was wandering at the seashore when I saw Shar trying to get something. I helped her to get back her shoes."

"That's Shar. When she said she will. She will really do it. Especially if she promised. In case she cannot do it there's really a reason behind it."

Then her Lola seems to remember something.

"Wait hijo, I have to get something."

"It's okay po. I'm also going. Please tell Shar I'm going."

I wanted to ask a lot of questions. But I can't ask her. And besides it won't be good if I will be asking her what I would want to know.

But really, I am delighted to know that Lola Landa knows Lolo that's a good start.

I am happy. I feel like I am not supposed to think that she's someone who can't stand to her promise. I was reminded to like her because I like her and it is what I feel. It is not liking her because my Lolo likes her for me or my uncle likes her for me. Or because she could help me in being the successor of our hotel. I realized I am starting to like Shar.

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