Conflicts Arising 9

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I am supposed to go when Uncle and the VVIP costumer went out of the meeting room.Two staffs hurriedly followed them as if they are somewhat feeling happy.

Then I remembered Shar.

I walked until

"Don, you have a call."

Then I answered the phone.

"Don, it's me, Shar."

"Shar, glad you called. What are you doing?"

"I'm at home, waiting for our visitors today, and you?"

"I'm at the hotel. I'm waiting for your call," I told her then laugh.

Shar laughed too.

"I'll come to your home after 5 or 6."

"I called because I want to tell you that you can't come that time. May be sometime," Shar said. I didn't ask why, I just tried to understand her.

In the evening, I saw the VVIP costumer walking on her way to her room. I followed her.

Since I am wearing my uniform as an employee of the hotel, I decided to talk to her, but then she accidentally dropped a paper. I thought she will get it back but really she did not notice. I picked the paper and ran to her before she could open her room.

"Excuse me ma'am, I think this is yours," I told her with respect.

She looked at the paper then

"Oh! That's really mine. Thank you," she said.

"You're welcome ma'am," I replied.

She looked at my nametag.

"You are Don?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"You're name suggests power and money."

Then we both laugh.

Then I proceeded to go after my gesture of bow.

"Wait. In case you want to have another job. Contact me. You look good and I am sure you'll be a superstar," she told me. Then gave a card to me.

I got the card, I cannot just say no. Then I proceeded.

As I looked at the clock on the wall, I found out it's already 6:00 pm.

I just want to walk near the seashore...

Walking at the seashore, I glanced the house of Shar from afar. I hope to see her so I decided to climb upstairs.

As I am waiting, Shar opened the window. I wanted to call her but she suddenly disappear.

I feel like she might appear later so I kept waiting.

8:00 pm
As I am happily staring at her, she suddenly looked at me and waved her right hand.

I thought I am dreaming so I wink my eyes. I found out it's real. Shar is there waving her hand.

I too waved my hands. Then she gestured she's going to sleep. I gestured sleep well.

Then she closed the window. I too return at the hotel.

May 15

I woke up early.

It's 5:30 and I am about to go on a jogging when I saw the VVIP costumer.

"Good morning ma'am," I greeted her.

She smiled.

Then, Lolo was there too. He seem to be going somewhere. But then, as he saw the VVIP costumer, he changed his way.

"Excuse me, ma'am," I told her and run toward Lolo.

"Lo," I called Lolo.

"Don, do you know the woman you're talking with a while back?"

"I only know she's a VVIP costumer Lo."

"Don't talk to her. If possible avoid her."

I was puzzled why Lolo told me that way.

"Uncle even talk to her, uncle knows about her Lo," I told Lolo.

"Your uncle?"

"Yes, Lolo, I often see them talking."

I saw how Lolo think deeply that time as he heard me.

"Stay here at the hotel, you help if you could."
7:30 am
I saw Uncle and the VVIP again together. She rode on uncle's car and they are going somewhere.

Then I heard staffs talking about them.

"Do you know that the Actress Lee Jae Meun is in our hotel?"

"Lee Jae Meun? The Korean actress?"


"Where is she? I want to take a picture with her."

"They went out with Sir Dee."


"Korean actress? Uncle Dee?"

I waited at the hotel but I just felt like I can't wait so I decided to visit Shar.

I was shocked when I saw Uncle's car going out of the house of Shar.

I felt like I went to a 20 kilometer run for 5 minutes. I felt such nervousness.

I stopped. Uncle did not notice me. I followed uncle back to the hotel.

I saw them together with the VVIP costumer.

I followed uncle. When I noticed he's leaving I followed Ms. Lee Jae Meun.

I waited for her to come out of her room but seems she does noy have any plan.

Since she gave me her number so I called her.

"Good evening po Ms. Lee Jae Meun."

"Good evening, who's this please?"

"You told me that if ever I want to change my job I should call you..."


"Yes, ma'am."

"Have you think about it?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I went home. I want to talk to uncle. I want to know if my assumption is correct or not.

"Good eve uncle."

"Don, good you're here."

"Uncle, when will you go back to America?"

"I think I'm going to stay for a little longer. Why?"

"Nothing uncle, I ..."

"I have to be here until May 25, because I have to wait for her."

"What do you mean uncle?"

"Do you still remember the patient from America but migrated here while waiting for her to be 18 years old?"

I want to deny so

"Not really..."

"She's the reason why I'm here. I have to be here because I have to make way for her to survive."

"Uncle, what's her name?"

"Why are you curious now?"

I did not reply.

"Shar...Shar is her name," uncle said.

I felt like I want to disappear that time. I should not be hearing about it. I wanted to cry but can't. Uncle should not know that I know Shar. I wanted uncle to deny what he just said.

Then uncle received a call.

I went out of the house. I want to feel fresh air.

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