Can't You Really Remember Me? 6

115 6 0

May 12, 2017

6:00 am

I am ready to visit Shar. But of course I have to wear my jogging outfit.

As I go downstairs, I saw Lolo at the sofa reading newspaper.

"Good morning Lo," I greeted him

"Where are you going?"

"Just a workout, exercise just near the hotel Lo," I answered.

"Do that the other day," he told me as he stopped reading.

"Are we going somewhere Lo?"

"At the airport."

"Airport? Who's visiting us?"

"Your uncle."

"I thought he's not going home."

"He just called and said he'll be at the airport at 9."

"If it's nine, then, can I have a morning run even until 7?"

"Don't tire yourself before going on a trip."

I don't have any choice but to listen to Lolo.

"Is uncle really going home?" I asked myself. "If he'll going home why not come home the day before the anniversary?" I asked myself just in my mind.

"But Lo, why is uncle coming home all of a sudden not even attending the anniversary?"

"I don't know. He did not tell anything except that he is going home. And he needs you. He said you have somewhere to go afterwards."

I just smiled. I don't know what to say.

We ate breakfast with Lolo together. After getting ready, we go on our way to the airport.

Passing by the house of Shar my eyes kept looking at it even if we are 5 meters away.

"Is the house beautiful?" Lolo asked.

"Very beautiful Lo," I answered.

"Do you also want to build a house there?"Lolo asked.

"Of course not Lo, there's already a house there, how could I...?

"But I owned that land before. A woman bought it 10 years ago."

"The location of the house is really good Lo."

"It's really the finest. I planned you should be building your house there when you get married."

"But why did you sell it Lo?"

"They needed the land. They pled. They even want to pay for it higher than the supposed prize."

"So did you sell it?"

"It's not because of any of what I just mentioned but it's because of sometjing else. I felt pity. So I sold it."

I did not ask if Lolo knew Shar's lola. I think I have to think it on my own. Lolo does not need to know it anyway.

At the airport, I was disappointed to know that it's not uncle who arrived but it's Lolo's friend with his granddaughter.

"Lolo lied" I told myself.

I felt like I was suddenly pulled by the ocean but then pushed at the fire right after.

Then after minutes of Lolo talking with his friend.

"Hi!" greeted the granddaughter.

I don't want to be rude especially that Lolo and his friend are there so I just smiled and said Hi as well.

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