Will She Attend Or Not? 4

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It was really my first time being concerned what to wear.

"You've grown up Don," said Ya 'nay and smiled.

"Is it too obvious now Ya nay?" I happily asked her.

In the morning, I happily woke up early  to go to Hotel together with Lolo.

"Are you that happy?" Lolo asked.

"Lo, am I?"

Lolo smiled.

As I am walking with Lolo on our way to office, the employers were looking ay me with disbelief in their eyes.

"Don, have you decided to work here?"

"Lolo, you know I want to be a cardiosurgeon just like uncle..."

I saw how disappointed lolo is so

"But I think, I will reconsider it Lolo."

"You should reconsider it Don. Remember, it's only you who is the successor of this hotel. You'll be the next President and probably Chairman of Han Hotel.

I want to ask why uncle was able to pursue what he wanted to pursue. Why did uncle became a cardiosurgeon qnd why can't I?

At 6:00 pm I am ready. Everything is ready. I am very excited to welcome Shar. But I am nervous, she does not even know I'm going to introduce her as my girlfriend to Lolo. I don't know but when Lolo told me about it, I just thought of Shar. 

I waited for Shar' arrival.

At 7:00 , the party started but Shar is not yet present. I started to feel uncomfortable. I feel like I want to ask our driver to go to Shar's house but I can't. I have to wait for her.

But then Lolo called my attention. I went inside the hotel bothered, worried and uncomfortable.

At 7:30, I am not comfortable inside I want to see Shar. I want to introduce her as my girlfriend. I decided to go out. I waited at the main door.

At 8:45, Shar has not arrived yet. The more that I'm worried. But I still have to wait. I told myself I have to wait because I can wait.

At 9:10, I'm still waiting, I went out of the main door to feel the fresh air. I can't stay at the main door waiting, she has to see me waiting outside.

At 10:05, other visitors started to go home. I started to feel that she is not coming. But at the end, I have to tell myself that I have to wait.

At 10:15, some decided to go home as well. I'm still waiting.

At 10:45, all visitors went home and some employees. 

At 11:05, Lolo saw me still waiting outside.

"Did she say she will come? Lolo asked with sympathy.

I felt like I have no energy to looked at Lolo.

"We don't know what really happened. Maybe there's an emergency, she got sick or she was forbid to come," Lolo told me trying to lighten the heavy feeling I'm going through.

Lolo sat beside me.

"She might be forbid by her parents to come, I realized I should not asked you to meet her here. It's not really that good to hear for a 16 year old girl to come here at the hotel," explained Lolo.

"Common, let's go inside."

I can't hate Shar because Lolo may be right.

But I can't sleep that night. Shar promised she will come but she did not. How could she promise but won't do as what she said?

I went to the rooftop of our hotel. I want to breathe. I want to feel I'm Don. Then I saw the telescope I usually use when I want to see the surrounding of the hotel. It's a telescope bought by Lolo in America.

I thought of looking at Shar's house. I have to at least know if she's there or not.

The house is only lighted outside. It looks like there's no people inside.

After that, I saw their gate just opened and a white car went out.

I tried to follow the direction where the car is going, and it stopped at our hotel.

Her Lola opened the door of the car and I saw Sharlene.

I let Shar see that the party is over.
I immediately go downstairs to see her reaction.

I saw how disappointed she was. But she's very pretty.

Just a moment she proceeded to the sea.
I know she will walk barefoot again so I followed her.

I saw how she removed her shoes but this time she picked it up and bring it with her.

I did not stop her from doing it. I was curious rather why she's doing it.

I really followed her secretly. I did not think anything that would make her notice me. I feel she's really mysterious and unique in her own way.

As I saw her feeling uncomfortable, I tried to keep closer to where she is.

But then the light from the moon reflected some drop of blood coming from her foot. I have to help her. I know she needed me. I know she's uncomfortable. I know she's asking for help that time.

I held her wrist and led her to sit on the big stone.

She wanted to continue walking. I stopped her. I held her right arm.

"You're hurting. You can't go."

"I'm doing this because..."

I was not abke to clearly listen to what she said. I just let her sit back on the big stone.

As usual, I wiped out the sand on her feet.

"Why are you doing this?"

She did not answer?

"Why do you have to hurt yourself?"

Still no answer.

"Don't hurt yourself anymore, I am already here for you."

I did not hear her say she's hurting because of the scratches on her feet. I can't just leave her.

Then suddenly, someone called her. Someone called her and she just go, I am supposed to stop her but then ...


Shar is not looking back at me.


Still she did not look at me.

"Shar..." the louder I call her.

"Don, wake up."


"Don, wake up. Wake up..."

Then I woke up.

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