Chapter 2

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I watched the video ,which was shot in slow-motion, and flushed red. The bullet sails through the air and buries itself into Taehyung's soft lips. 

His head falls, and his glasses fly off from his face. He comes back up and licks his red lips with a look of anger. But his face changed, and he bent forwards to get his glasses.

"That's hot" I blurted out in front of Shin Hee. She looks at me in a fit of rage. "And you have to go to his house everyday too?! You are *!^#ing failing me!" She spat out ferociously. 

I cowered under her stare. I left the building 30 minutes later, arms covered in blood. I went to a public washroom to wash them off. "Hey..."

I turned around, shocked that anyone would talk to me. I saw Taehyung. He had slight fear in his eyes, but mainly sympathy. Taehyung took off his bag and pulled out a bandage roll and some band-aids.

 On my right arm, he disinfected the large gash and used the bandage. On my smaller cuts he delicately put on band-aids.

I felt terrible when I saw that this boy, to whom I have done so much pain, was helping me. Once Taehyung was done, he asked me where my address was.

 I kept quiet, not wanting to tell him. He insisted until I finally broke down and explained that my parents did not approve of me being LGBTQ and kicked me out of their house. 

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