sexuality revealed

801 36 97

Third person pov

Aman was scared and dizzy. No he had not touched any drinks neither he talked to anyone. It wasn't really his first time in the club. He had been to various clubs in his hometown with his sister goggle and his college friends.

He was dizzy because of the crazy lightings and the sea of people.

And he was scared because of his growing feelings for kartik.

He was scared that he wouldn't be able to control his feelings that seems to not have an end.

He cursed the Lord everyday for making him different from others. In the past, he used to ignore his urges, his ever growing crushes. But after meeting kartik it seems the control he once had on himself broke after seeing his smile.

Kartik made him feel What he never thought he would feel.

Right now sitting in the isolated bar,his eyes where fixed on kartik. His brain had stopped functioning the moment kartik grabbed his hand. He could still feel his rough big hands on his own small soft ones. His mind was playing a picture of wild imagination which could never come true.

From Aman's eye view, kartik was dancing with Sam. He ofcourse couldn't tell that they where talking/discussing something.

A hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder making him jump. The hand belonged to Devika. Devika and Aman never really had a proper conversation, they were just hi-bye friends.

Devika made herself comfortable beside him. She smiled at him and asked,"hi Aman, how are you?"

Aman couldn't help but return her smile," I am fine Devika, thanks for asking".

She tugged her hair behind her ear and said," not drinking anything"
Aman chuckled awkwardly and Said," not really a drinker".

"Have some light stuff then" she smiled and called for the bartender,"relax Aman, it's a party, enjoy yourself" she offered him mojito, and for herself she asked for a martini.

"I really don't want to get drunk today" Aman explained nervously. She laughed and said," kartik is your ride, isn't he?"

Aman nodded, she continued," then why are you worrying kartik is the one who shouldn't drink"

She was right. But that was not the reason Aman did not wanted to get drunk. Aman was scared that his drunk self would say something which he would regret in the future. Especially something to Kartik that would stain their newly formed friendship.

Thinking of kartik, Aman's eyes fell on the dance floor but he couldn't find the said man. Even in the sea of people, Aman knew he could spot kartik because of his hight and his florescent green jacket where easy to spot.

But at the moment kartik was nowhere to be found.


"Can you now tell, what have you planned" kartik pleaded Sam to reveal   her ever so secret plan.

Sam grabbed his shoulder and turned him to the bar opposite of the one where Aman was seated. Kartik's eyes looked like they were ready to pop out any moment.


Ofcourse what else could you expect from Sam.

But the fact they where hot male strippers is what shocked him more.

"You promised sid you wouldn't have any strippers." Kartik frantically asked Sam.

Sam waved her hand in dismissal.
"They are not for me they are for you and Aman" She explained.

"No no no, you are going to scare him away." Kartik now looked really worried.

"Ohh hush, I won't do anything that would make you both uncomfortable. I just want to confirm Aman's sexuality, that's it" Sam assured.

"He is too innocent for you sam" kartik said.

"I know" she smirked.

She then held kartiks hand and then dragged him to the bar.

She called one of the stripper and whispered something in his ear and then pointed in the direction of Aman.

The stripper nodded and left.

"What did you say to him" kartik asked.

"Oh, nothing kartik just enjoy the show" she said as she grabbed a drink and sat on the bar stool. Kartik did the same only he was way worried and didn't had a drink in his hand.

The stripper made his way to were Devika and Aman were seated.

By the time, the stripper reached there, kartik was already bitting his nails.

But the stripper didn't go to Aman as he was expecting him to go. Instead the stripper stopped in front of Devika and started dancing in front of her. This made Devika blush so hard. She shook her head saying something that Kartik guessed sounded like 'no, or I don't want it'.

Kartik turned to Sam, she had a smirk on her lips. Feeling his gaze she turned towards him and winked. Which confused him more. Sam seeing his expression signed.

"You have been watching the wrong person, you idiot, look at Aman." She nodded her head in Aman's direction. Kartik turned to look at Aman only to find him completely red. Even in the darkness of the club, kartik could still figure out that Aman was blushing hard. And he was uncomfortably moving in his chair.

"He is soo gay" Sam whispered.

"But what is his reaction is because of Devika?" Kartik asked.

"Nope. It's not, I send Devika there to flirt with him, she just send me this message saying he is not reacting even a tinest bit." She said and held her phone to show him the text.

This gave kartik a new hope. Maybe just maybe he won't be in the sidelines. Maybe he has a chance. Maybe he can finally find love. True love.

Maybe he could actually call Aman his.


How are you guys?
This quarantine is really killing me. How are you guys passing it?

Anyway from next chapter starts the journey of kartik trying to flirt with Aman and the process of making him his.

let me chase you Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora