Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


"I know, baby. I miss you too," Val heard Joe say from their children's nursery.

She'd tried to go back to sleep, but the throbbing pain in her wrist forced her to go in search of her husband for his assistance with opening her medicine bottle. It was then that she realized she'd actually slept through the night and it was exactly what she needed.

Upon her entrance into Matty and Rosey's bedroom, Joe looked up at her and beckoned for the bottle in her hand. He cradled the phone between his ear and shoulder as he twisted the cap off and then handed the bottle back to her.

"She's doing better. You can give her a call a little later today ... I know baby and I promise I'm gonna get you soon. I just need a couple of days to make sure Val's OK, alright?"

Val shook her head at him in disapproval.

"Go get her now, Joe," she whispered.

"JoJo, hold on a sec, alright?"

Joe muted the call and looked up at her with questioning eyes.

"I can't get her now. I gotta make sure you're alright first."

"Joe, I'm fine, and I'll be fine. JoJo needs her daddy right now. I mean, I don't wanna be the reason that you guys don't get to spend time together."

"But, baby, she understands."

"I know she does, Joe. But trust me, if she didn't have to understand, she probably wouldn't. So, please go get her, 'cause honestly, I miss her too."

"Alright," he said with a nod.

She gave his shoulder a pat and left the nursery. The excitement in his voice as he advised JoJo that he'd be in Tampa to pick her up within the next couple of hours warmed her heart but saddened her at the same time. Had things not happened the way they did, there wouldn't have been the question of Joe spending time with any of his children. Now, because of her accident and miscarriage, he was putting off that quality time to ensure her well-being. It only amplified her guilt.

She sighed and shook her head.

"Way to go, Val."

She went back to their bedroom and collected items for a shower with the hope that it would help to relax her body and mind. After taking her meds, she went to the bathroom and started the shower. Just as she began to undress, Joe joined her. He leaned against the counter and pulled her between his legs.

"You didn't have to do that," he said, pecking her lips.

"Do what?"

"I had already smoothed things over with JoJo."

"Joe, I absolutely will not allow you to sacrifice your already limited time with our children just for me. It already makes me feel bad that you have to spend so much of your time caring for me in the first place."

"I told you she understands, baby. She's OK with it."

"How is she OK when you're not? I heard how excited you were to tell her you were coming to get her today."

Joe sighed and ran his hand down his face.

"Exactly," she said, turning away from him before he could say anything further.

She walked over to the shower and began to adjust the water's temperature in silence. Joe joined her at the shower's entrance and kissed her forehead.

"You're right. I do need to spend some time with her and the twins. I'm just so worried about you, baby. I just wanna make sure you're OK. Ya know?"

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