Chapter 8

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I struggled through my sleepiness to get this edited and posted, so please excuse any mistakes. I had to go to chemotherapy early this morning with my little sis, so it's been a looooong day. Anyway, here's the next chapter. Read, comment, and vote!

Chapter 8

After Val had divulged her secret to him, Joe had somehow managed to remain cordial toward her. He didn't want to alert JoJo to any issues that the couple had been going through, wanting only to ensure that each of his children felt relaxed in their family environment. His act had been so convincing that he thought he had lured Val into a false sense of security. Hell, he'd almost lured himself into it. However, when he returned from Tampa after dropping JoJo off following her two-week visit with them, Val reminded him of what their life had become with her saddened expression. It was the first thing he saw when he entered their bedroom.

"Hey," she softly greeted.

"Hey," he replied, setting Matty and Rosey's car seats on the bed.

He unstrapped the babies and sat them on the bed between him and Val. Both toddlers crawled over to Val, showing her their affection in the form of kisses all over her face.

Their adorable antics brought the faintest of smiles to her face.

"I know what you did for the last couple of weeks was just to keep things cool around here for the sake of the kids," she said, patting Rosey's pampered bottom.

"Yep," he quickly replied, reaching into the twins' diaper bag.

He pulled out two Gerber snack cookies and handed one to each baby. They both quickly settled down and began to nibble on their treats.

He remained silent for a moment as he stared off into the hallway, thinking of a way to tell her how he was feeling. Just be honest with her, no matter how much it hurts, he told himself.

"Joe, if you can at least tell me you don't hate me, then-"

He turned to her and rolled his eyes, clenching his jaw in anger.

"I thought I told you I could never hate you."

"You did, but-"

"I wasn't lying when I said that, Val. I don't hate you. But I am pissed because you lied to me and you betrayed my trust."

"Joe, I only did it because-"

"Do I look like I give two shits about why you did it? I don't care why you did it. Your loyalty and trust in me should've overridden any goddamn fear you had about hurting my feelings. I'm a grown ass man, Val."

He stopped to collect himself by taking a deep breath.

"Look," he started again, "there isn't a thing you can say that's gonna make me accept what you did, so stop trying to justify it. OK? You fucked up and the sooner you can realize that, the sooner I'll believe that you're actually sorry. Until then, we're gonna be on this dumb ass merry-go-round going in circles with each other and I'm not a fan of pointless repetition because I'm not a child."

Val remained silent but nodded.

"I fucked up," she said as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"Yeah you did," he readily agreed.

She fixed her mouth to say something further but remained quiet. Right now, there was probably nothing better for her to say to him other than what she'd just admitted.

The room remained silent save for the gibberish that the twins spoke to each other.

Joe let out a loud sigh and stood from the bed.

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