Touchy Subjects

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I woke up on my bedroom floor in the temple today... again. My back is sore and my neck is stiff. "I gotta stop doing that, how did I even get on the floor like that?" I sigh and make my way downstairs. As I drag myself downstairs I find my self gazing at my mother's portrait looming above me. "Heh, that subject is dryer than my mouth is right now." I open the fridge to find nothing worth my time. Why am I feeling this way? I usually only feel this way when a tragedy is on its way. The air becomes dense around me and I scramble for a glass of water to moisten my throat. "Huh. I wonder where the gems are." I decide to check their rooms since my schedule is open and I need something to distract me from my dark past I am constantly reminded of. At least Amethyst could amuse me. You see ever since I found out Pearl was keeping the secret of my mother's identity we haven't gotten along very well. She could've told me earlier and I could have gotten  rid of myself quicker. After all, all I am to the gems is a burden. A reminder of their leader that lied to them about everything. The air is foggy between us and I'm too lazy to try and figure out where Pearl stands. Unfortunately I find myself in Pearls room and she doesn't even greet me. Guess I didn't really need to talk to her. As I was on my way out Pearls raspy voice cracks, "Steven... I'm sorry." My face turns hot and I approach her fountain. Her eyes are dead and tired. She doesn't look me in the eye but continues. " I shouldn't have said anything about Rose." My anger rises and I feel something else inside me rising as well. I don't know what it is but It feels ...powerful. I shout "You shouldn't have kept it from me at all! Mom was pathetic. Her leadership skills were faulty! She died to lend all of the garbage she left behind to me. And now I pay the price of feeling like a burden." I could see tears welling in Pearls eyes. What am I doing? I shouldn't take it out on her. Mom is the real enemy. If she could be back and solve her problems herself this wouldn't happen. If she was just... a diamond. And it's Pearls fault that mom wasn't a Diamond. She became Rose. But what about Earth? God there are too many thoughts running through my head!!! My thoughts turned to anger and I take out on Pearl. I scream out of confusion and the ground cracks and Pearl retreats into her gem. I poofed her! What was this? My skin is turning red. No it's... PINK.

Pink Steven AUWhere stories live. Discover now