The Other Way

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"The other way?" I asked Connie. She turned to look me in the eyes. "Did Pearl tell you about the other way?" Pearl is keeping things from me again? I shook my head and she explained everything. "Pearl and me were taking a break while training one day and... well she told me there might be a way that you can and Rose can exist" My skin turned pale and before Connie explained the rest. I shouted, "Why didn't you tell me this? I thought I could trust you! No secrets!" Connie started to panic I was glowing again even brighter. "Steven I..." I interrupted, "No! I don't want any more lies!" I stormed out and Connie yelled after me however I didn't bother turning back. It turns out I really am utterly alone. Now I can't trust Connie either. Me and Lion headed back to the temple I needed to talk to Pearl. The house was dark and I entered Pearls room. To my surprise she wasn't there. I went into Amethysts room and nobody was there either. I dreaded going into Garnets room but I wasn't left much of a choice. The gems were there and I decided to listen in. "Pearl what happened?" Garnet asked. "It wasn't his fault it just happened. I don't understand what he is feeling. He sees his mother as an enemy. I don't get it!" Pearls voice was shaky and Garnet and Amethyst were surrounding her and trying to get the story. Amethyst looked nervously, "Steven poofed you? That's not like him at all." Garnet then took her glasses off and looked at both of them. "This isn't your fault Pearl. He needed to know. We all needed to know and we understand why you needed to keep it secret. We just need him to understand that she wasn't a bad leader. She kept things from us to keep us safe." I then fully entered the room. Garnet and Amethyst turned to meet my gaze. But Pearl wouldn't even glance at me. "I'm sure she wasn't a bad person, but she was selfish when she had me. She left all of her problem for me to solve. And nobody told me anything. She kept things from you and your keeping things from me! I am your DIAMOND!" The room went silent and the two gems turned to Pearl as she slowly turned to make intense eye contact. Suddenly a feeling of regret rushed through me. I'm doing it again I'm not anybody's diamond. Rose would know what to do but she's not here. I'm being selfish they were trying to keep me safe. Auuug! Why does my mind keep on changing its mind? This only makes me want her back more. Pearl gave me an exhausted deadly stare. "Steven, yes you did take her from us, yes you remind me of her, and yes she did hide things from us. But she did it to protect us. Like we are trying to protect you. And don't tell me you don't want to be protected because that's what Rose wanted. Steven you don't have to be like her your a different person and that's ok." There was a pause I know I'm a different person but it feels like she was a much better one. She would know what to do. What is wrong with me? Never mind that, I needed to get back to what I came here for. "Pearl. If you miss Rose so much why didn't you tell me about the other way?" The room was so hot. The tension was rising and the gems didn't look too happy about my question. Pearl looked to the other gems for support but they were both looking to the ground. "Steven I was going to tell you but I didn't want you to go through with it."Garnet then looked up to me. "Steven we don't need Rose you could die!" I calmed myself and asked Pearl, "How is it possible... for me and mom to exist?" Amethyst finally rose to say, "It doesn't matter man it would be almost impossible to do without your human half dying." I didn't care the cost. I didn't matter anyways. I wanted them to have mom and I wanted mom to amend what she'd broken. "Pearl I know you have a plan written down where is it?" She refused. Out of no where Pearl pulled out a blue paper and ran towards the lava. I chased after her. I couldn't let those plans be burned I had to know. I grabbed Pearl and shoved her away from the lava. "Steven don't do this!" I wanted to respond but I couldn't. I wasn't going to let her distract me. She tried to run around me but a somehow I release a large pink platform and she was slammed into the wall. She was immobile and I grabbed the paper while Garnet and Amethyst ran after me but, like Pearl, I had rendered them immobile. I ran into my room and pulled out the papers. With sweat rolling down my face I read over them. The plan was perfect I could pull it off as long as they don't stop me. All I have to do is
put this here pull that and.... 'CRACK'.

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