A Higher Power

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My gem.... it cracked! I started to panic and threw my hands away from my gem and my body started changing just like Amethysts did the time her gem cracked. At this point my torso was thinned out and elongated. I couldn't reach my gem to heal it. Suddenly the gems bursted through the door and saw what I had done. Without one word they took me to the warp pad and traveled to my mothers fountain. My gem continued to crack. So much pressure was building up it felt like I was going through hell. Or maybe that's where I was going if we didn't get there in time. After all I almost killed Pearl and I've hurt so many people. I could see the fountain as we rushed towards it. And as Garnet set my body into the fountain everything turned black. It was cold. I felt more alone then ever before. It felt like years before I regained my vision. I could see the gems arguing above my body. I shut my eyes tightly to not create a distraction to their conversation. I wanted to hear it. "Pearl how could you let him get a hold of the plans!" Garnet shouted. "I didn't mean to I-I tried to stop him!" Pearl argued. Amethyst chimed in, "Why did you even have them?!" I squinted my eyes open discretely to see the scene. A look of guilt was slapped across Pearls face. She had no response to Amethysts question. So it was true. She did want mom back. She had wishful thinking at least. I had been right. I opened my eyes completely. And the gems looked down at me and silenced. "Steven you... your awake." Pearl stuttered. Everything felt shaky. I didn't know what to say. But I had to say something. "Pearl why didn't it work?" She seemed shocked by the question. "Steven I told you that it would be practically impossible! You'd need something more powerful than all of us combined. And even then we have no idea what would happened to your human half." I didn't care about my feelings anymore I was focused on my new objective. Who could be so powerful? I've heard of the diamonds before but I have no clue how to get to them or how to reason with them. However maybe I know somebody that could. I silenced my thoughts and spoke to the gems. "I think I need some time away from you guys." They first looked scared but they eventually compromised. "Where are you going?" They asked. I told them I was going to stay with Peridot and Lapis at the barn. They looked at each other and nodded. "Fine but I'm going to come with you to make sure you get there safely." Garnet said. We headed back to the temple quietly and Garnet did as she said and took me to the barn. She told Peridot to keep a close eye on me. Peridot walked over to me and sat down. She asked me what was going on but I said it was nothing and I just wanted to visit. It was obvious that she didn't believe me. The gems brought me to the person that can tell me about home world. "Peridot what was home-world like?" At first she ignored the question but after nagging her about it enough she was like an open book. She talked all about the troops, the armies, the servants, their purpose, and many other topics that I wasn't looking to discuss. "Peridot... what were the diamonds like?" She paused and scrunched her nose deciding how to respond to the question. "The diamonds?" She asked as if she had never heard of them. "Y-know... Yellow and Blue?" She suddenly bursted our laughing as if what I'd said had been the funniest thing the universe! "What? What did I say?" Peridot wipes her tears of laughter away and sighed, "it's not what you said it's what you didn't say! Like Yellow and Blue are the Alfa!!!" She fell into another explosion of laughter and I was in shock. Another diamond? That's right! Why didn't I think of this before? Pearl mentioned something about a White Diamond. That could be enough power to remove my gem! "Hey Peridot I need to use the bathroom! I'll be right back" She waved me on and I stumbled my way out before she could say bye. Now all I need is a way to get to home world. Luckily I know somebody that can get me there in a flash. And nobody can get in my way.

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