Just this One Time

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My eyes opened and I was in the same room again. I wish that was a dream but I knew very well it wasn't. The gems were probably wandering around homeworld this moment. A door opened "Hello? Ah there you are."  It was the same gem from yesterday. She looked up from her screen at me and spun me around. "Very well done. You look like a decent Amethyst! Other than your height of course... Here slip into these." She handed my some of those limb enhancers that Peridot had. I touched my purple skin and the glaze hardened overnight!!! "Well don't just stand there hurry up!" I stumbled over to the door and followed the gem. "Where are we going?" I asked. Without looking back at me she said, "Were headed towards your next assignment. We're training. Like we did yesterday, and the day before that, and the day befo- the point is the Diamonds expect strong soldiers and us Chryroprases  are expected to make them strong." A Chryro... what? I've never heard of this kind of gem before. "I think I'll just call you Chrys." She glanced at me and sighed. She was walking super fast and I could hardly keep up. We arrived to a warp pad and teleported to a muddy area that looked like a military base. There were several Amethysts and Jaspers in lines led by other Chryses. They looked different than the one I was with. They were taller and had plain blue hair. No brown at the top like my Chrys. They also had perfect faces without marks or flakes of brown. Was the Chrys I was with an off color? We met with a group of Amethyst and lined up. One of the Chrysopraseus remarked, "Late again? Maybe if you had longer legs you'd get here faster." The other Chrysopraseus laughed. Each of them commented on Chrys's "flaws". I felt terrible for not saying anything but I wasn't going to draw attention to myself. I leaned to the side to see Chrys. She had a straight face and didn't pay attention to them. We got to an obstacle course that they put us at the starting line and counted off. "3... 2...1!" I dashed towards the obstacle course and used just enough floating power to get myself through it. The obstacles were difficult and reaching the bars without it looking suspicious was even more difficult but I made it. I reached the finish line and turned to look at my group. They were only at the first jump and struggled to get over. I saw the other gems laughing at my group as they struggled. I saw the Chrysopraseus laughing at Chrys. I knew I was supposed to stay silent and draw no attention but I couldn't help myself. I stepped back into the course and went back through to help my team. I grabbed several at a time and jumped through the course. Finally I got each gem to the finish line. I looked to see a proud look on Chrys's face but I met her eyes and she had a tear rolling down her cheek. The groups were called back to the starting line. Chrys didn't even look at me as we headed back. We went to the warp pad and teleported to what looks like a sword fighting ground. There were separate rooms for two people to battle. "Head to your stations" Chrys said. She lead me to a room with just me and her. "You'll be training with me since your new." She said. "Hey, what happened back there? I thought you'd be proud but you seemed troubled." She ignored me and handed me a sword. "Hey!" I grabbed her hand and she looked up at me with tears in her eyes. She covered her face and sat on the floor. I sat next to her and held her hand. I've been here too many times before. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do anything wrong." I whispered. I didn't expect to be helping any gems on this mission. I was supposed to leave that to mom. But just this one time... "No no it's not your fault it's mine. I should be a better trainer. I'm supposed to have perfect skin with perfect hair and perfect height. But I don't! Not only that I can't do my job correct. I have a purpose I can't fulfill. It's my fault that my group isn't successful. And you did a much better job at it than I could ever do!" She was sobbing at this point and laying her head on my shoulder. I tried to comfort her and said, " Maybe training isn't right for you?" She shook her head. "Training is what I was made for! I have to be good at it. Otherwise I'm defective... If only you guys were trained by Chesney, that's what Pink used to call her. She's beautiful and tall and Is just so..." She blushed and looked down. " I shouldn't be feeling this way. The diamonds would never approve!" Her face looked panicked and she was breathing heavily. "The diamonds opinion doesn't matter! You can feel however you want and be however you want!" Chrys let out a sad sigh. "Heh I wish that was true. You see us Chryroprases are new to homeworld so there's not many of us. As soon as they make more I'll be shattered, deleted, and replaced! You have a great future here but I don't think I'll last long here." Chrys wiped her tears and stood up. She looked down at her screen where an alarm was going off. "OH my!!! We've been scheduled to guard the zoo! Everybody formation!" And we were off again like nothing ever happened. The zoo? Like the one I went to save dad from? Anyways we arrived at the zoo and formed another long line  I stood at the very back of the line with Chrys. "Welcome to the zoo! This is where Blue Diamond keeps her human pets! I'm sure you recognize them! They are from Earth!" I nodded and looked to the front of the line. It looked like a scanner that the other gems were going through. "Uhhhh what's that up there?" Chrys pauses what she was saying and peeked at the front of the line. "Oh! That's our new gem scanner! Some Amethyst was trying to disguise as a Jasper! So we implanted a scanner into the zoo so we can catch traitors. It's not painful don't worry, and plus you'll be fine cause your not a traitor!" My face turned pale as the moon and cold sweat dripped from my forehead. Chrys's eyebrows scrunched and she grabbed my face so my eyes met hers. "You aren't a traitor right?"

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