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It's late. Or at least it feels that way. I stared at the blank white walls trying to think of something. Anything. I thought about the gems. What were they doing now? Had they found out? Peridot has probably already told the gems. Thankfully they wouldn't have to worry much longer. I was going to get mom back one way or another. I rest my hand on the wall and suddenly a big screen opened. It was a window. It was light outside. I wasn't surprised, as far as I know gems don't really sleep. Despite all of the despicable things the gems have said about homeworld it was beautiful. A shiny city covered in lights with busy gems everywhere. Many unique gems I had never seen before. I pressed my hand to the wall again and the window closed. Laid down on the floor and fell asleep. Suddenly a bright light warmed my eyelids. I opened my eyes and I was... on the beach! How did I get here? I looked down at my hands and they were green. I've been here before I was in a watermelon Steven. It was like when Malachite was a threat. I realized that I was right in front of the temple. I needed to hide! I ran to the side of the house and peeked into the window and saw peridot pacing around the room. She was explaining to the gems what happens. Garnet started shaking and the next thing you know ruby and sapphire appear. Ruby shouted, "I told you! He needed us and we let him get away!" Sapphire moved her hair and shouted back, "He wasn't supposed to run away! I don't know anymore! The future keeps changing and Steven has become unpredictable. Ruby I was- I was scared! Steven could kill one of us easily. I don't want you to get hurt." The rest of the gems are silent. They've seen ruby and sapphire fight before but not like this. Sapphire and was usually so calm. I was in shock. They were.. scared of me. Pearl blurted, " This is all my fault! If I hadn't told him about Rose in the first place he would still be here!" The room went silent, Ruby and Sapphire stared up a Pearl. Amethyst looked down and whispered, "Your right... this is your fault" The rest of the gems backed away from Amethyst and Pearl wept on the floor. Amethyst then grabbed Pearl by the collar and threw her into the wall. Pearl didn't fight back. "You should've kept your secrets! Your the reason Steven has such mixed feelings about Rose! Your always pretending around everybody! It's all your fault!" Amethyst shouted while swinging Pearl with her whip, slamming her into the walls and windows. Suddenly Ruby and Saphire began to argue again. Pearl has several lash marks on her skin. Her eyes were out of tears and blood spewed out of her mouth. Peridot was tugging at Amethysts arm begging her to stop but she ignored. I heard foot steps behind me. It was Connie I hid under the staircase as she walked up to the temple. Lion was with her. At least he got home safe. Connie looked in the window and burst in the door and I ran to the window to watch the scene. "What is going on here?!" Nobody had noticed she arrived except for Peridot. Peridot ran over to Connie and took her out to the porch. "Connie you need to get out of here! The gems have gone haywire!" Connie and lion looked at each other and walked into the temple. To get their attention Lion growled a gnarly growl that startled all of the gems. "What are you doing?! I understand your upset with each other but Steven is in trouble! He needs us right now. Take a look at yourselves!" The gems all looked at themselves then each other and burst into tears. Amethyst hugged Pearl and begged for forgiveness. Pearl placed her forehead on Amethysts shoulder and said, "it's alright" Ruby and Sapphire joined the hug and fused into Garnet again. Connie then sighed and pat Lions head. The gems wiped their tears and looked to Connie. "But how are we going to find Steven? He could be anywhere!" Pearl said. Lion unexpectedly ran outside and the gems followed. Lion sat and pointed his nose to the sky. "So like is he on the moon or what?" Amethyst mumbled. "No that can't be the moon. The moons over there that's... homeworld!" Pearl stuttered. NO! They can't know where I am! They could get hurt! I wanted to say something but I couldn't! All I could do was watch in anger. "But how did he-" Before Garnet could finish her question she knew the answer. They all looked down at lion and frowned. Connie broke the silence and said, "On the bright side If Lion could take Steven there he can take us!" Pearl took a long look at the gems and then smirked "Lets do it." They all walked into the temple and began to form a plan. My eyes slowly wandered away and closed. "Hello?"

Pink Steven AUWhere stories live. Discover now