Just Like Her

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I-I can't believe what's in-front of my eyes. What am I doing? What is this power? Garnet and Amethyst will be here any minute to see what's going on. I can't let them see me. Connie! Connie will know what to do. She always does. I leave Pearls gem in the fountain and ride to Connies house on Lion. What was I supposed to tell her. She'll think I'm a monster! With my skin glowing pink I burst into her room and blurt, "Connie I need to talk with you!" She jumps out of shock and her eyes open wide. "Steven! What happened to you?" I sit on her bed as she comforts me. "I poofed Pearl today." Silence fell around the room. I can tell from Connies look on her face that she doesn't know how to respond. "Steven I don't know what to say... this is all so sudden." Did she think I was different? "It's going to be okay she'll be back and I'm sure you didn't mean it Steven." I turn to her to explain what happened and why me and Pearl were arguing. "Steven I know its been hard for you ever since you found out about your mom but... she wasn't a bad person." I pace around the room and explain to her, "I'm sure my mother was great but she's cruel to me. Leaving all of her problems on me. She lied to everyone. If she had stayed longer she could've solved this herself." Connie chuckled. This is no laughing matter what is she doing? "Steven, she lives in you! You are her. I could feel the same power rising. "No I'm not!" My skin glowed even brighter than before. Then tears began to roll down my cheeks. " I am just like her aren't I. I left the damage I caused to Pearl to the gems." Connie also began to cry. "Steven you need to stop lying to them like your mom. You need to tell them how you feel." Connies eyes lit up. "Did Pearl ever tell you about the other way?"

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