A Diamond in the Rough

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"You aren't a traitor... right?" I nervously laughed and looked at the scanner as a gem passed through. A loud speaker said in a monotone voice, "Jasper". Chrys punched my shoulder jokingly and said, "I'm just joking with you! Bahaha I really got you with that one!" She laughed at my side and I held the back of my neck and nodded. All of home world would know that I was Pink Diamond. This can't be happening right now!!! "Uhhhh don't you think we should go back to training? I mean that's more important don't you think?" Chrys looked at me shocked. "Are you kidding me?! This is the first time my group has been scheduled anywhere! Don't you see? This is my chance to convince the diamonds not to shatter me! Not stop talking and stand up straight." I did as I was told and peered around the line and it was going quickly. What was I going to say? I could see the same agate, Holly Blue, standing at the scanner. A large Jasper was whispering to her and Hollys eyes opened wide. "Attention soldiers! Blue Diamond has arrived at the zoo! You all should be in your best behavior." All of the soldiers immediately straightened up and silenced. I thought things couldn't get any worse, but here we are!Chrys was breathing heavily and mumbling to herself. I assume she hasn't had much contact with the diamonds, she must be nervous. I grabbed her arm and gave her a reassuring look and she took and deep breath in and set her eyes on the scanner. I was able to forget what was happening for a few seconds. The confidence in Chrys's eyes made me feel proud. It wasn't long until I felt my heart sink again, remembering the scanner ahead and tried to form a plan. This could be a way to get attention from the diamonds. I began to smile and realized I have nothing to worry about. This was my gateway to getting Rose back. There was no more worry a talk between me and Chrys. I closed my eyes and listened to soldiers footsteps, "click click". I listened to each name being called out. "Jasper 2045, Amethyst 7980, Jade 8566." It felt nice being able to relax for a bit. I opened my eyes back up and it felt like I had almost time traveled. The line had shrunk in a matter of minutes! There were only a few more gems in front of us. The Jaspers were much larger up close. Finally we arrived to the scanner. "Go ahead." Chrys said. Suddenly I got nervous again. My feet wouldn't leave the ground. Out of nowhere I felt a pair of large hands on my shoulders that pushed me towards the scanner. I turned back to see the gem and it was another large Jasper. "Uh hold on I think I left something back at the training grounds! Hehe uhhh yeah." They laughed at me and pushed me right through the scanner. The speaker pierced through the silence with the words, "Welcome to the Zoo PINK DIAMOND." If the room wasn't silent before it definitely was now. Each gem was wide eyed with their jaw dropped. The jaspers dropped their weapons and fell on one knee. I felt the ground vibrate and heard the sound of large footsteps walking towards us. You want to know what I did? I ran. I ran so fast I didn't know which way I ran. I didn't hear anybody chasing after me. So many things were happening at once. I told myself I wouldn't run but... something inside me said I had to. I saw a tight space to turn into in between buildings. I drifted into the alleyway like a car and 'BANG!' My head slammed against  a wall. My vision became blurry. I could hear voices but could hardly make out what they were saying. "Where is she?! Find her NOW" I heard a powerful voice say. I saw a crowd of many different gems pass me by. There was panic in their eyes and loud voices shouting. I felt a small hand land on top of mine. I was in too much pain to see who it was. Even if I could turn my head my eyes wouldn't be able to identify them. I heard their voice come close to my ears. "Ameth- Pink Diamond, are you alright?" I may not be able to see but that's Chrys's voice. She sat me up against the wall and placed her cold fragile hand on my forehead. I blinked a few times and at last I could clearly see her colorful face. How could anybody call her face wrong. It's perfect. I wish I could make her see that. I licked my hand and placed it on my forehead. Chrys watched in amazement as my foreheads bruise disappeared. "I'm sorry for not telling you. I really wanted to but... I was scared." We stared at the floor and Chrys chuckled under her breathe. "No wonder you were so much better than my soldiers. Heh. At least that makes me feel better." She sat down next to me against the wall. I looked at her frown as her eyes traveled the floor. "Hey. Don't listen to this other gems, your perfect just the way you are. I think you face is quite beautiful. It makes you unique and different. And that's coming from a Diamond!" I joked.  Her frown turned into a smile and she giggled. "So you can heal things. That's pretty cool..." I laughed awkwardly I didn't know what she wanted me to say. It seemed obvious but I couldn't think. I asked, "Did you want me to heal you?" She thought about it for a second and looked back up to me and sighed with a slight smile. "It's what makes me unique right?" She set her head on my shoulder and I rest my head on hers. I tuned into the crowds words and a voice shouted through the crowd, "Steven?!"

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