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"How dare you! How dare you do all this without my permission!? Without out at least speaking to me first?!" I was furious, beyond furious. I was downright murderous. The anger started to make me shake. Sparks came from my wand indicating that it was probably best that I put it away.

I stood in my office screeching at the top of my lungs at my boyfriend, Theo and a few other higher up Death Eaters. I ripped the earrings out of my ears, throwing them on my desk. I couldn't stand the dress I was in any longer. I viciously pulled my hair into a bun turning away from the boys. All, joy and excitement from earlier this evening was completely gone. I couldn't even look at them. All I wanted to do was go home and take a bath.

"I don't need your permission to do anything," Draco said with authority. I froze at his words, seeing red. I turned around slowly to face him. The other men looked at him with eyes like saucers.

"When it comes to attacks like this, YES! These are my men that you are putting on the line for a Hail Mary to get Harry Potter. It was not only reckless and insane but downright horrifying to see that you would make decisions like this without speaking to me first. What other plots do you have? What other information are you not telling me?" all the men that stood in front of me flinched at my words except Malfoy. He looked at me like I was just a fly buzzing in his ears. He almost looked bored. It only made me want to throttle him more.

"There is no other information. This had to be top secret. We only had five people including The Dark Lord that knew about this plan." Theo said softly his hands up in surrender, he knew best what it was like to get on my bad side. He was doing his best to keep the peace.

"Get out! I don't want to see any of your faces till we go back to work." I shouted. I didn't care if I was being unreasonable. This was beyond unacceptable. The men left the office in silence. Theo gave a look of worry back before closing the door behind him.

"Are you done making a fool of yourself?" Draco asked standing up from the desk he had been leaning against. He was being way too smug for none of the other men being around.

"I hope you are happy with yourself." I didn't even want to look at him, every time I saw his face of boredom, I wanted to punch him. I was so past anger that no amount of magic would be satisfying enough.

"Yes, I am actually. Harry Potter is dead. That was what the Dark Lord wanted. This is what he's been wanting...." he spoke sounding more like a Death Eater than my Draco.

"I'm going home. I don't want to speak with you." I turned with a huff collecting my things. I was tired of him acting this way. In the last few months, things have changed. Draco has changed. He was no longer the scared boy I had fallen in love with but a shell of being that was starting to look more and more like he believed the cause. If I had known any better, I would have thought that Draco had converted into a full-on Death Eater.

"I'm sorry I killed your brother," Draco called after me with a sigh. It didn't seem genuine. It was more to shut me up. To get me to stop being angry with him. I didn't answer, I had nothing to say to that. I called for the car and headed home.


The next morning was like it had been for most days as of late. Draco never came home last night, which didn't surprise me. I got dressed in my suit, a matching blazer, and a skirt. I kicked on some heels and ate at the bit of toast that was left on the counter by the house-elf, as I tried to make my hair presentable.

"Miss Evans looks very beautiful this morning," Nipsy the house-elf complimented.

"Thank you, Nipsy." I hated that the Malfoy's had house-elves but Nipsy had quickly become one of my favourites. She was always there to keep me company on my worst days.

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