Nicknames You Use For Each Other

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Scenario: Not really a scene but just nicknames you use for your other, and them for you. I'm keeping the ones for the reader at a minimum, because nicknames are mostly based off of the person, and there's a variety of people, so yeah.

It is a short chapter because the author here is incredibly lazy. And also because she doesn't like nicknames but she's doing this because she wants to make herself suffer.


Your nickname(s) for Yoosung:
- Omelette boi
- Superman Yoosung

His nickname for you:
- Waifu (Does he even like using nicknames?)


Your nickname(s) for Jumin:
- Juju (he feels offended when others (cough cough SEVEN cough cough) use it but he feels affectionate when you use it)

His nicknames for you:
- Dear (Makes people sound old honestly but whatever it's a nickname and I'm doing this at 6 am)
- Bao Bei (learnt it from his trip to China)

Bao Bei = Chinese word for "baby" but it sounds really sweet actually and can also be used for an actual baby


Your nickname(s) for Zen:
- Prince Charming
- Handsome
(You gotta appreciate his beauty or he feels sad)

His nickname for you:
- Cutie
- Babe
- Gorgeous/Sexy/Adorb (Pick whatever you like lol. I personally like Adorb but people got different tastes)


Your nickname(s) for Jaehee:
- Baehee

Her nickname for you:
Nah she doesn't use nicknames what are you talking about


Your nickname(s) for Saeyoung:
- Dr. Pepper
(inside joke between you two)

His nickname for you:
- Honey Buddha Chip
(another inside joke)
- 606 (cri)

In case you don't know:
Error 606 = Reset
Error 707 = Cannot be deleted

So basically he remembers what you did, even when you reset to go on another route.

And then we have Error 404, which is "This site can't be reached" *flips table because there is clear WiFi connection*


Your nickname(s) for Saeran:
- Goth boi
- Ice cream hoarder
- Emo boi

His nickname for you:
- Angel
- Savior


Your nickname(s) for Jihyun:
- Love (is blind :D)

His nickname for you:
- Pumpkin
- Precious



Your nickname(s) for Vanderwood:
- Vandy

His nickname for you:
- Goddess (He barely uses it but that's like the only nickname)


Your nickname(s) for Rika:
- Rikachu

(Shut it I spent a bunch of time trying to find a nickname and ended up with a pun)

Her nickname for you:
- Sun

(You won't get that unless you unlock the Secret Ending 01)

Guess what? (Chicken butt) When you smile, a person next to you have like a 50% chance of also smiling?




Nah I don't think that's a fact but I hope you and that other person smiled anyway.

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