"So, Ahab, Can I Have My Doobage?"

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     The four managed to get back into the Library before Vernon could catch them, they all sat in their separate seats. After overhearing, "I wanna be an airborne ranger!" and "Bender! What is this!?" Vernon walked Bender back into the room, pushing a little. "Get your stuff, let's go!" he ordered. "Mr. Wiseguy has taken it upon himself to go to the gymnasium. I'm sorry to inform you, you're going to be without his services for the rest of the day." Bender spelled out the letters, "B-O-O-H-O-O!" "Everything's just one big joke, huh? The false alarm you pulled on Friday, false alarms are really funny, aren't they?" "Honey, you  did that?" Alan asked. "Yes, he did. Well, Bender, what if your home, what if your family...what if your dope was on fire?" "Impossible, sir, It's in Dean's underwear." Alan blushed. Andrew however, laughed. "You think he's funny? You think he's cute?" "I do, honey!" "I wasn't talking to you, Dean." Alan laughed, awkwardly. "You wanna see something funny? You go visit John Bender in five years, you'll see how goddamn funny he is!" Vernon shouted. He walked up to the rebel and leaned over, putting his hands on his knees. "What's the matter, John? You gonna cry?" Vernon grabbed his arm. "Let's go-" "Hey, keep your fucking hands off me! I expect better manners from you, Dick!" Bender yelled, standing up. Vernon started guiding him to his office, pushing slightly. Bender took out a pair of Sunglasses he had in his pocket and laid them out in front of Alan. "For better hallway vision," he said, before running off, Vernon chasing after him.

     Dammit. Alan thought. It seemed like whenever Bender wasn't around, the room would get dull and boring. Vernon just had to take the only good person in here away. he continued to think. I wonder...does this mean I...love him?  Alan instantly tried to block out the thought. No! Of course I don't, why would I?  Besides, he'd never love me back anyway, he convinced himself. But, I can't help but wonder...why did he go out of his way to help us get back to the Library? Why would he do that for people he barely even knew? I don't think I'll ever know. Alan sighed out loud. I wish I could have talked to him a little more before he left-  his thoughts were interrupted by a loud, "OH SHIT!!!"

     A wide grin spread across Alan's face as he saw John Bender himself, falling from the ceiling. "Jesus Christ Almighty!" Vernon shouted, seemingly from the bathroom. Everyone looked at Bender, puzzling with answers. What? Why did he come back? How did he come back?  they thought. "Forgot my pencil." he said. "God damnit!" Vernon yelled, coming closer to the Library. As quick as he could, he ran and hid under Claire and Andrew's table. "What in god's name is going on in here?!" Vernon asked. Everyone shrugged. "What was that ruckus?" "Uh, what ruckus?" Andrew asked, playing dumb. "I was just in my office, and I heard a ruckus!" "Could you describe the ruckus, sir?" Brian requested. "Watch your tongue, young man, watch it!" Bender sat up under the table and banged his head, letting out a loud groan. In order to cover up the sound, Andrew started banging on the table. Through all of this, Alan wasn't interested in making a snappy comment, he just leaned his head so he could see Bender under the table. He heard various sounds, such as Andrew making a zipper sound affect, and endless chatter that he didn't pay attention to. Underneath the table, Bender saw a perfect angle of Claire's panties and put his head in between her  legs. "Really, Sir, there wasn't any noise-" Claire let out a quite gasp as she realized what Bender was doing. She crushed his head in between her thighs, causing Bender to shout out in pain. Still not wanting to get caught, Claire started a fake coughing fit, and everyone joined in, even the girl in black. "Was that the noise? Was that the noise you where talking about?" Claire asked. "No, it wasn't. That was not the noise I was talking about. Now, I haven't caught you in the act this time, but you can bet I will." Allison laughed at his idiotic statement. "You may book on that, missy. And you!" he pointed to Claire. "I will not be made a fool of!" as he turned away, everyone saw he had a toilet seat cover stuck to his ass, and as soon as he left, they all started laughing. Well, all except Claire, who was too busy slapping Bender. 

     "It was an accident," Bender insisted. "You're an asshole!" "Sue me." Bender got up and walked over to Alan. "So, Ahab, can I have my doobage?" Alan nodded and pulled out the bag of weed from his pants, handing it to him. "There ya' go, honey. "Yo, waistoid! You're not gonna blaze up in here!" Andrew said with a stern voice. Bender ignored him and walked to the part of the room behind the statue. "Hol' up, lover boy, I wanna be a part of this!" Alan said, walking behind him with a smile. Claire looked at Andrew, silently asking if she should go with Bender. Andrew shook his head, but Claire got up and followed the two anyway. Brian began twiddling his thumbs. "I'm not going," Andrew mouthed, assuming Brian considered going with them. Well, he was right. Brian left and joined the party. "Shit..." Andrew said to himself before following Brian. And as Bender started rolling joints for everyone, all except the girl in black were thinking one thing. Holy shit.

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