Chapter 5: The kiss

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Draco felt someone staring and looked back. It was Potter and his friends. Draco spotted Harry's eyes but did not look in them, instead he looked at his plate. He didn't want to lock eyes with him again. He glared at the food on the table, he didn't feel like eating, he simply wasn't hungry. So he stood up and walked out of the Great Hall. 

After dinner, everyone went back to their dormitory. Harry winced at the thought of a Monday, it was the only day they had all classes with the Slytherins. They also had double potions first thing in the morning. Harry changed into his pajamas and tried to sleep. He had a dreamless night, it felt amazing. The next morning he and Draco walked to potions together. Draco was still ignoring Harry's existence when the small boy asked: "Malfoy?"


"Why are you ignoring me?"

No answer. 

"Malfoy come on, please answer me!"

Still no response.

"Malfoy...stop being such a baby!"


"Draco please just talk to me!", Harry screamed. He had never called him by his first name before, he had not only surprised himself but also Draco. The boy with the Grey eyes stopped and turned around, a frown on his face. "We are not on a first name base Potter! I thought you hated me!". He ran off to class where he met Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson, his best friends. Harry felt bad. Had he really hurt Draco that much? 

Once arrived at Potion class, Harry was paired up with Malfoy by Professor Slughorn to make a binding potion. They were both very upset they had to work together. Harry wasn't great at potions while Draco was the best, so he mainly just followed Draco's instructions. "Here cut these and put them in our potion.", Draco said after a while, pointing at some purple weird-looking carrots, but Harry wasn't listening he was thinking about their argument instead. "Potter hurry!". 


Their boiling red and unfinished potion exploded, spilling over their hands. "Fuck you, Potter! This is a binding potion, there's no cure for this damnit!", Draco shouted. Their hands were now stuck to each other and the least painful way for them was to hold hands. Professor Slughorn saw the accident happen and confirmed: "Oh yes poor kids. You'll be stuck together for at least 12 hours, but it might be longer.". As soon as the bell went Draco stormed out dragging Harry along with him. What were you thinking Potter?!", he said angrily, heading towards a deserted classroom. As soon as they arrived in the old classroom Harry answered pushing Malfoy against the wall: "What I was thinking is none of your business Malfoy.".

Draco Malfoy took Harry's hand and spun around pinning Harry against the wall. The roles had been reversed. Harry struggled, but Draco was strangely stronger and didn't let go. He kept struggling until he found himself weak. He looked at Draco. He was grinning and moved his face closer to Harry's, their foreheads touching. Harry was freaking out, he could feel Draco's warm breath on his face and he could smell his cologne. It smelled like Peppermint and burned wood. Then before he knew it Draco's soft lips were caressing his own. What did he do?!  He was freaking out, wanting to feel the blonde's lips on his own for whatever reason. Harry wanted to pull Draco closer and feel his rival's body press against him, taste him and be able to feel Draco's tongue dancing with his own. They stayed like that for a long time, their breaths hitched in their throats, unable to make a move or just simply pull away. Before they knew it, the bell rang and they had spent their entire free period staring at each other, dreaming of each other's touch. 

They hurried off to their next classes without speaking about Draco's little trick. In fact, they quite enjoyed each other's company now. The kiss that both of them had dreamt of, had imagined, had apparently brought them closer together. This 'almost kiss' would be on both of their minds for quite a while and change their future even more.


Sorry for the short chapter although it was quite..*hum, hum* shall I say this. Intense? The chapters are still a bit short, but they will get longer. Don't worry! 


Drarry fanfic story// ~°The ball°Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin