Chapter 10: Secrets

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"Any friend of Harry is a friend of mine!", Hermione told Draco, holding out a hand for him to shake. And he shook it alright. Then all three, looked at Ron, waiting for him to say anything, and eventually, he did: "Fine! I forgive you, but we are not friends!", he mumbled, but still loud enough for them to hear. Draco's eyes were twinkling by now. "Could you tell me where I can find your sister and Longbottom?", he asked Ron, excited to apologize to more people since apologizing to Ron and Hermione had gone rather well. Though Ron shrugged his shoulders and his girlfriend didn't know either. "I can help you find them if you'd like?", the third boy finally spoke, but he was ignored by a now sad again, Draco. So Draco said goodbye to Ron and Hermione before walking out of the common room, through the portrait. 

Hermione looked at Harry, he looked sad and confused like a baby bird that had lost its mother. She and Ron shared a warm, friendly hug with him in the hope to comfort him, but it only half worked. Harry wasn't sad anymore, but he was still confused. "Why does he keep ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?", the poor boy asked his friends. It hurt Ron to see his best friend in this state of mind, so he said: "Well it's Malfoy, isn't it? He's always been a mysterious weirdo! Don't try to question it too much Harry!", he giggled at Ron's words. He had called Draco a MYSTERIOUS WEIRDO! They laughed about it and then continued their conversation before Draco interrupted.

Draco's POV: 

I can't keep ignoring him forever, can-I? The only reason I actually do it is because of the fact he hurt himself. How could he have done that to me? 

3rd person: 

Tears rolled over his porcelain face. He tried to hide them, but nonetheless, two boys noticed and patted him on the back. These two boys were Dean and Seamus. "Don't be so nice to me! I'm a fucking jerk!", Draco cried. Dean and Seamus looked at eachother, first not knowing what to say, Dean decided to make the first move. "Hey Malfoy, it's going to be okay. We can help if you want?", "Really?", "Of course!", Seamus said, "Now first of all tell us what's bothering you!". They walked towards an empty classroom where Draco explained his situation. "Ya know ya really shouldn't ignore 'im!", Seamus said, serious. "Yeah!", Dean agreed, "Harry has anger issues so he might be really angry or really sad if you ignore him any longer!". Dean and Seamus were both too scared to say it, but they thought that if he kept ignoring him, Harry might harm himself again. This thought frightened them, the main goal was to keep Harry happy for as long as they could, for now. Finally, Draco answered them: "What if I'm the reason he hurt himself? What if I'm a bad influence?!", he started hyperventilating. Dean calmed him down with some special tricks while Seamus, Dean's boyfriend, said: "What if? What if Harry cared about you? Which he does! You would never be the reason he'd hurt himself! You're literally all he talks about!", he smiled. He had a feeling Draco wanted to be more than friends with Harry Potter, otherwise, he wouldn't be having a panic attack, nor would he be confiding in them. When Draco had finally managed to calm down, they walked to Dinner with him, making sure he didn't start crying again. They even walked him to his seat where Pansy and Blaise sat, waiting for him. "Are you okay Dray?", Blaise asked worringly. He hadn't seen his friend smile ever since the incident. Pansy shot up, looking at Draco's companions: "Did you do anything to him?! Did you hurt him?! Omg I swear if you hurt him-", she yelled furiously. Dean backed off, pulling Seamus with him. "We only comforted him in a time of need. We'd even be able to call him our friend Parkinson!", they said. 

The two Gryfindors quickly ran back to their own table, seating themselves next to Ron and Harry. "Hey Harry, it ain't your fault Draco's ignoring you. He just needs some time to think.", Seamus said, patting his friend on the back. Harry immediately looked up, hearing Draco's name, but sighed after hearing what Seamus had said. "I understand, but why is he ignoring me? If he would just tell me!", he sighed again. Why was it still all so hard? 

After Dinner Draco rushed to Neville and Ginny, who glared at him. As with Ron and Hermione, he gave them an apology. Neville accepted and so did Ginny, but like her brother, she refused to become 'friends' with Draco Malfoy. 

Harry went to his dormitories with Mike. They had become good friends over the past week. Harry quickly made the homework Hermione had given him before Dinner. She had explained what to do and he fully understood. He hurried to finish because he wanted to 'visit' Draco. He slept in the room next to Harry's, so it was easy to remember. He knocked on the door, but there was no response. He knocked again, still nothing. So Harry decided to just barge in. There was nobody there. 

Harry's POV: 

I opened the door to Draco's room, he was not there? He was most likely in the Slytherin common room to make his homework then. I shouldn't stay here, but I still did. I have this feeling there's something I need to find or see. His room is just the same as mine and he's also very clean, but Slytherin themed and there is an extra cupboard? It stands in the corner opposite the door. I feel like I should open it, but it's locked! "Alohomora", I whisper, flicking my wand at the lock on the cupboard door. I open it...

3rd person:

Harry opened the cupboard to see the thing that had enchanted him. It was an object that he had seen before, in the Headmaster's office more precisely. Draco's pensieve. There were beautiful silver borders, that matched the rest of the room. He slowly moved his head towards the light blue liquid until his face was only an inch away. The boy's forehead touched it and he immediately got sucked into one of Draco's memories. One of the memories Draco had hoped for none to see. 

Harry looked around him, he seemed to be in the Slytherin dormitories. On his left stood 11-year Blaise Zabini and on his right a bed. The bed wasn't very interesting, though the boy sitting on it was. 11-year-old Draco Malfoy. "Blaise?", he suddenly said. Blaise(11) immediately looked up, 


"Why do you think Potter didn't want to be friends with me?", Draco(11) spoke again. He spoke in a rather sad tone. Was it regret that Harry smelled? 

"Probably because you insulted the Weasley boy. They must be good friends!", Blaise(11) answered. He walked over and patted Draco(11) on the back. "Blaise? I think I'm into boys...". Blaise(11) vaguely said: "You're gay?", to which Draco(11) nodded. 

"What's wrong with me Blaise?"

"Draco, being gay is not a bad thing. Whatever mean things your father says about it, there's nothing wrong about it!", Blaise(11) said, hugging Draco(11) by his middle. Then Harry felt a hand on his shoulder, pulling him back and suddenly he found himself back in Draco's bedroom. The only difference was that there was now an upset-looking Draco next to him. "Get.Out.", he sneered at him. Harry was disappointed in himself, he had been careless, and he had invaded Draco's privacy. "Draco...", he tried, "I'm truly sor-". Draco yelled: "OUT!", and Harry quickly fled to his own room, slamming the door shut behind him. He put on his light blue, striped pj's and laid on his stomach in his warm bed. He thought about the memory. Draco was gay? Now that he knew, it was pretty obvious, just the way he acted. Especially around him. Draco Malfoy bloody gay! An hour later Harry still wasn't asleep, so to keep himself busy, he took off the bandages on his arm. The cuts had almost fully healed and they didn't hurt him anymore, even though he had lost quite a portion of blood. Suddenly he heard a strange whimpering coming from outside his room, it was as if someone was crying. Harry slipped out of bed and walked to the door. He turned the Golden doorknob and the whimpering became louder. It seemed to be coming from the room next to Harry's. Draco's room. 

He walked over and knocked twice on the door, then he entered...


Hey strangers! Hope you liked this chapter! It's definitely getting hot in here!! Thank you for all the reads, I've said this before, but this really means the world to me! I love you guys so fudging much!! Found out in the next chapter:

Why was Draco crying?

Will he talk to Harry again?

What about Dean and Seamus? Boyfriends? Wuuuuut?

You'll find all that out in the next chapter! 

Baiiiiii rays of sunshine, Z you guys soon! 


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