Chapter 13: Feelings

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He was blushing. "Oh Mike...", Luna commenced, "I really like you, but I'm happy with Neville. He's very sweet. You and I, we'd never be more than just friends. I'm sorry.". She sighed and the bit of hope on his face completely disappeared. "No, I'm the one who should be sorry Luna. It was foolish of me to think you'd ever like me back in that way. I hope we're still friends?", Luna smiled; sympathizing with him. Then she replied: "We're fine Mike, don't worry this doesn't change anything between us. It'll be our little secret.". They happily walked back, smiling.


"Draco"..."Draco"..."Draco!". Draco jumped up, he hadn't heard Pansy calling him, "Myah, what up Pans?", he said, clearly growing more stupid every second. She giggled: "It's time for class you twat! Oh wait, were you daydreaming about your wedding with Potter?". Pansy and Blaise laughed. They were sitting on a blanket in the gardens. Suddenly a girl jumped from behind a bush and said: "I knew it! I just knew you were in love with Harry!". "Hermione? Were you spying on us?", Draco said, 'What a stalker. At that point, it's just creepy!'. Pansy looked mad and so did Blaise. "Not cool Granger", he said, his girlfriend agreeing with him, "I swear if you tell Potter-". Hermione rolled her eyes before walking forward and seating herself next to them on the blanket. "Shush! Why would I tell Harry? And never mind why I happened to be there, I'm just smart! You have to tell him, he's hanging out with a girl right now and she could be a potential rival Draco!". Blaise frowned, He couldn't agree more with her. Draco had to confess. He had to! "Why are you helping me Hermione?", Draco asked, a little unsure of what this crazy woman was going to do. She rolled her eyes again and sneered: "You're my friend. She is not. And I've been shipping you guys for way too long now! Hurry up already!". Draco was still quite nervous and it was noticeable, so Pansy took the lead: "Tell us everything you know about her. If she is a potential rival for Draco then we have to eliminate her.", 'This girl is a Psycho,', Hermione thought, 'I have to make her my friend!'. Blaise agreed to work on the newly found project with them. "Her name is Sophia Bumblebee, she's a sixth-year Hufflepuff. She has blonde curly hair, hazel eyes, freckles and she's tanned. She is very good at Charms and cares for magical creatures. I am 100% sure that she has a crush on Harry too.". 

They worked together, not noticing they were terribly late for class. 

With Harry-------------------------------------------->

"Haha, you're so funny Harry!", Sophie said, winking. Was she flirting with him? Anyways it made Harry laugh. He then checked his watch, it was 10 minutes before 2 pm. They hurried off, they had a class together anyways. They walked together to transfiguration where they sat next to each other. In the 1 hour they had hung out they become quite good friends already. Harry had also noticed her perfume smelled like honey just as in his love potion. The smell of cologne and hair gell had almost disappeared, but not quite. A little spurt was still noticeable, a little spurt Sophia was trying to destroy...

After a fun class with McGonnie, Harry had to leave Sophia to go to divination with Ron. Merlin knows why they still took that class. His best friend seemed to approve of Harry's new friend and was constantly teasing him, saying that he had a crush on her. But I don't think Ron realized that what he was saying might've also been true. They seated themselves on velvet purple poofs as their teacher spoke: "Welcome back to Divination my dears!", the dreamy Professor Sybille Trelawney announced, "Today we will be learning about...". It was an especially boring lesson and Ron and Harry talked all the way through it till the bell went and the class was dismissed. 

"Have you seen Hermione?", Harry suddenly asked. When Ron said she had Ancient Runes at that time of the day, Harry relaxed and suggested they wait for her to finish at the entrance of her classroom. When the students came out, they looked in the crowd, but could not find their friend. They decided to ask the Teacher: 

Drarry fanfic story// ~°The ball°Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora