Chapter 6: Kreacher

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They walked hand in hand that day. People were staring as they walked past and many asked what happened. Draco told everyone how Harry messed up their potion of course and how it was all his fault. Poor Harry felt his cheeks become bright pink. Eventually, Draco asked him: "Potter, where will we eat?". Harry dragged Draco along with him. "Dorm.", he said without thinking. 

They went up the long stairs and settled themselves on the couch in front of the fireplace in the common room of The South Tower. Harry called: "Kreacher?", they heard a loud crack and an old shriveled houself appeared. It looked around the room, spotted Harry, and gave him a tight hug. "Kreacher missed Master. Master didn't come home that night. Kreacher looked everywhere and then Kreacher was called to fight at Hogwarts. The dark lord said Master was dead!", he sobbed. Draco looked at Harry in confusion whilst Harry was patting Kreachers back. "Don't worry Kreacher", he said, "We're all safe now, but I need you to do something for me.", Harry smiled. Kreacher looked at Harry with his big brown eyes and nodded, "Does Kreacher need to follow somebody again?". Harry smiled nervously and said: "No Kreacher, don't worry. You don't need to follow him again. I just need you to get us some sandwiches from the kitchens.".

It was only when Harry had said the word us that Kreacher had noticed somebody else sitting in the room. A confused Draco Malfoy still holding Harry's hand. "Master Draco!", Kreacher said looking scared. He backed off, snapped his fingers, and disappeared to the kitchens. "He's my houself. I inherited him from my Godfather...", Harry said. "What happened to your Godfather then?", Draco asked, hoping he wasn't out of line.

"He was murdered by his cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange...I remember you being quite close with her?".

"But who was your Godfather then? And when did this happen? Were you there?"

"My Godfather was Sirius Black, I'm guessing you've heard of him. He was murdered in the Ministry of Magic at the end of our fifth year. Yes, I was there, I even tried to Crucio your aunt but she got away.".

"I'm sorry to hear that Potter..", Draco said moving closer to Harry. They sat in silence for a while before Draco smirked and asked: "So you let your house-elf follow people?", Harry felt his cheeks redden even more. Draco laughed and asked who. Harry looked at him and chuckled. Then he said: "I let him follow a certain Draco Malfoy around 2 years ago because he was being very suspicious.". They awkwardly laughed about it, remembering that Draco had let death eaters into the school; ending in Dumbledore's murder. After a moment of silence, they heard the same strange crack as before and Kreacher gave them their Peanut butter-jelly sandwiches. They ate, not saying anything until Harry asked: "Malfoy? What happened after the potion when we were in that classroom?", he could feel him move uncomfortably and still staring at the fire.

He looked at Draco; his blond hair falling over his face, his Silver eyes reflecting the burning fire, his pale cheeks that had turned red. "Not that I minded!", Harry added grinning. Draco looked up and smiled teasingly: "Shall we do it again then Scarface?". Harry felt his cheeks burning and couldn't help but feel like a helpless puppy.


Harry looked at his empty plate but knew Draco was still staring at him. "Admiring the view ?", he teased and Draco giggled turning back to the fireplace. After asking Kreacher to bring their plates back to the kitchens he suggested they went to class now. So they left hurrying to transfiguration with Professor McGonagall. 

They sat in the back behind Ron and Hermione. Ron looked at Harry and asked: "Bloody hell where were you? You dissapear for a whole free period and then for lunch!". "We were eating lunch in our dorm Ron.", Harry said calmly. Ron glared at Malfoy and raised a brow, turning around to talk to Hermione. 

Transfiguration was a bit boring as were charms and divination, so Draco and Harry talked the whole lesson. They ignored Ron's glares and Hermione's sighs. For dinner, they went back to their dormitory and ate the delicious food Kreacher gave them. Then they started on homework, helping eachother. Draco helped Harry with Potions and Harry helped Draco with charms. He had become quite good. They exchanged smiles as Luna entered the room and sat next to them. "Did you know that the juice of a baby blue, floating Gollowfish could heal that?", she said dreamingly, pointing at their hands, "They are very rare, but I could ask my dad to send some if you want?", Draco frowned: "There's no such thing Loony, I see your talking nonsense again?", he smirked evilly, but Luna looked at the ground, seeming sad. You could see she was deeply offended by his comment. Harry shot an angry glare at Malfoy before comforting Luna by saying: "Luna don't worry I believe you! And yes I would love it if you could ask your dad to send us some. Can you?", Luna smiled broadly: "His head must be full of nargels!", she said looking at Malfoy, "Anyways I'll send an owl right away!". She sprinted out of the room leaving them alone again. Harry looked at Malfoy angrily: "Malfoy seriously! You have to stop.", Draco rolled his eyes: "I don't care anymore Potter. They knew I would do this and they still accepted me in this school again.". They stared at the fire for a while before Harry reluctantly admitted: "It was me that persuaded them to let you in.". Draco looked at Harry and gave him a hug, "Thank you", he whispered and smiled. A long time went by before Draco finally said: "We should go to bed now Potty, it's getting late. Come on!", he looked at Harry expectingly. 

Why wasn't he answering him? It was then that he noticed...


Hiya guys!

Sorry (not) Sorry about the Cliffhanger! ;D This morning I noticed I got 60 reads and I flipped. In fact, I still am. I really thought I wasn't going to get any reads! You guys have no idea how much this means to me! I've been wanting to write stories since when I was a little kid and this is probably the closest I'll get! Thank you so so much! 

I love y'all! Stay awesome, stay sweet, and don't forget to be nice to each other! -Azzyland



Drarry fanfic story// ~°The ball°Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz