Chapter 7: The nightmare

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Harry was asleep! Draco smiled, he actually liked Harry a lot and seeing him all cuddled up melted his heart. He placed a hand under Harry's legs and back, lifting him up. Draco carried Harry to his room bridal style, under the Slytherin banners was his bed. He placed Harry in his bed and then climbed in himself, wrapping his arms around the boy with the Emerald eyes. Soon they fell asleep under the Green and Silver bed sheets. 

Harry's POV/dream:

"This is your fault!", George Weasley yells, "It's your fault Fred is dead! He was my brother, best mate, soulmate! I hate you!". "I'm sorry", I say stupidly knowing this won't bring him back. "Remus, Sirius, your parents, Alastor, Tonks...They all died because of you!", Mr.Weasley says, Mrs.Weasley agreeing, tears still streaming down her little round face. I see my friends turning their backs on me and all I say is sorry?! I must be going mad! And then the dream fades into Voldemort's face, he is laughing, I look at what he's laughing at. I see a dead Neville and Luna still holding hands. I see the teachers dead and all the Weasley's staring into emptiness as well. I see my dead parents and all their friends. 

But most importantly, I see a dead Hermione Granger holding a dead Ron Weasley in her arms. I walk towards them, tears streaming down my face. I look at them and kneel next to my best friends' bodies. Suddenly Ron grabs my wrist and says: "You could have saved them. You could have saved us!", he yells the last sentence and stands up, in fact, everyone stands up, facing me. They walk toward me with their hands outstretched and start to tear me apart, from skin to flesh all the way to the bone. 

3rd person:

Tears streamed down Harry's face, he was mumbling something that sounded a bit like: "No please...I'm sorry...No...Help!". It woke Draco up, he looked at Harry's watch: 2 am. 'What the fuck?! Why is he still awake?', he thought. Then he looked over at Harry, his face was pulled in a twisted position and tears streamed down from his firmly closed eyes. "Potter?", Draco cried, "Why are you crying?!", he tried to shake him awake but Harry didn't wake up. "Harry wake up!", Draco screamed, now it was his turn to cry. Mike and Luna rushed in and hurried over to them. "Harry?", Luna said desperately trying to wake him up. "HARRY WAKE UP!!!!!", Mike yelled in the Golden Boy's ear thinking this would wake him up! 

Harry jumped up looking around him. First, he saw Luna's beautiful face silently smiling at him, then he saw Mike looking at him and nodding a greeting. Then finally he saw Draco, his hair was messier than before. His eyes were puffy and he looked like he was going to cry again. He hugged Harry with his free arm and cried on his shoulder: "Never do that to me again you fucking nerd!", he said. Harry hugged him back. It was comforting. Then he hugged Luna and Mike, thanking them for being there and waking him up, but Draco soon pulled him back, glaring at the others. "Mine.", he mumbled under his breath. Harry hadn't heard, but Luna giggled and he was pretty sure she put something on their nightstand, but he was too tired to question it. It was Luna after all. 

Luna left quickly after that, back to her own room. Mike stayed for another minute to make sure Harry was okay. "Don't worry dude, I'm not, like, gay. I kinda like...nevermind!", he whispered in Draco's ear, blushing. He walked away, but then turned around to face Harry. "Hey Harry, I really hope you're okay. You scared us big time. Anyways your friend was really worried.". Harry's eyes widened and he quickly said: "Oh he's not my friend!", but Mike already left the room. 

Harry turned around and saw Draco smile happily at him. "Oh stop smiling you git!", he quickly turned around, pretending to be asleep, to hide his face. His cheeks were as red as tomatoes. Suddenly he heard a soft voice say: "Where's my goodnight kiss?", in his ear. He smiled and closed his eyes, hoping the moment would last forever. 

The next morning they found their hands normal again. Harry remembered Luna putting something on their Nightstand. He saw a smal bottle with a pink label on it. 'Juice of a Floating Gollowfish', it said. Harry chuckled, he had completely forgotten. He tried to get up, but Draco had his arms wrapped around Harry's waist. "Draco wake up!", he whispered, stroking the boys hair, "We need to get down for breakfast.". Harry got his reply soon enough: "No I wanna stay like this all day.", Harry rolled his eyes and tried to get up again, but instead he fell out of bed with Draco on top of him. They laughed and got up, Harry going back to his own room. 

He grabbed his towel and toiletries and laid down his robes on his bed. He looked out of the window, it was a beautiful day. Shame they had school! 


Draco's POV: 

I watched Harry go back to his room and as soon as he closed the door behind him I ran to the bathroom. I looked for Harry's shampoo and I found it in the left corner shower. A few days before I had learned this spell to turn someone's hair pink and I figured I could prank Harry. I'm not sure it will work on Shampoo, but I am still trying it, wondering if it would work. I heard Harry coming and quickly ran back to my room, waiting for my victim. 

3rd person: 

Harry hurried to the showers, he thought he saw a flash of blonde hair and thought it was suspicious. He would look into it when he'd be done. He turned to the left corner shower where his shampoo was. The water felt warm on his cold skin and he quickly washed himself. Little did he know what Draco had done to his Shampoo though. He retreated from the showers and dried himself, wrapping the towel tightly around his waist. Then he walked to the mirror, but what he saw was not what he had expected. Angrily he stormed to his room to dress up. He put on his Gryffindor robes and walked to the common room, waiting for Draco. When the blond came out, he laughed loudly. "Draco why is my hair hot pink!?", Harry shouted. Draco laughed even harder and after a while, Harry joined in.  


Hey peeps! I know I haven't been updating recently, but I've been busy with sleeping. Also, my mom is writing a real sci-fi book right now and it's on her computer that I write this book... Anyways I love you all so much! This means the world to me! Also, no more kinda smutty scenes because my friends and their parents and basically my whole family wants to read this. Anyways guys I'm running out of inspiration. I know what I want to do, I have it all planned, but I don't know what to write 'till then. Let me know if you have any ideas! 

Bye! xX


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