The less that people know about me the better

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Training went amazing and all the girls are really good at soccer, especially Kelley, I couldn't get a single ball past her in defence today.

I'm currently heading back to Alex and Emelia's house since they invited me over to help plan my date with Kelley, and to be honest, I need all the help I can get.

"Hey mom, is it alright for my friend to stay for a bit?" Alex shouts walking into her house

"Alex! You didn't ask your mom beforehand!" I whisper yell at her

"chill, my mom will be fine with it" Alex says hushing me as I follow behind the two siblings.

"Alex sweetie is that you?" I hear an older woman say as she comes around the corner.

I stand behind a little awkwardly to be honest since I don't look like the best influence on Alex and Emelia with my tattoos and bike jacket in my hand.

"oh I didn't realise we were having guests, I'm Pam," Alex's mom says coming to me and sticking her hand out.

"it's nice to meet you ma'am, I'm Dan, sorry to show up unannounced like this," I say apologetically

"nonsense, Alex knows I like having her friends around and she never brings any over anymore" She says looking at her oldest daughter.

"well I've brought Dan round haven't I?" Alex says in protest

"I suppose so, now I'll get making the dinner and I will call you down when it's ready," She says smiling and walking off, I go to speak not wanting to inside on the food as well

"don't bother trying to get out of it, once she says you're staying for tea, you're staying," Emelia says to me.

"you two are unbelievable," I say following behind them and up to their room

"Before we start I need to have a word with you" Alex says turning very stern all of a sudden

"here we go" Emelia mumbles out rolling her eyes

"Kelley and I have been best friends our whole life, we went to kindergarten together and then all through high school, she's been in past relationships where she's gotten really hurt and I don't want to see that happen again. So I'm warning you now if you hurt Kelley in any way I will kill you, got it" Alex says making me visibly gulp in fear.

I just nod my head up and down not knowing what to say in response to her threat.

"But I like you a lot more than her previous girlfriend so we'll be fine" She says switching back to the kind Alex I knew

"Now you're done scaring Dan, we can actually start our date planning," Emelia says

"I told her at training that I would pick her up at 6 on Friday and to dress casual," I say to Emelia remembering what she asked me to do

"perfect, I can cross that off the list and move onto step two, venues," She says getting out a little notepad

"We both know Kelley loves nature and going on walks so I thought we could take her on one of the trails that looks over the city," She says turning to look at her sister.

"not Kent park, that gets too windy at night time and Kelleys done it a thousand time," Alex says while I just listen to the two

"what about Camden Forest, they just opened that new trail the other week that goes to the big cliff rock," Emelia says

"Yes! That'll be perfect, Kelleys been talking about it for ages" Alex says happily

"won't it get a bit cold though," I ask thinking about how quickly the weather drops here

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