Let's just say, you're looking at your new housemate

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A little disclaimer, there is smut in this chapter and it's my first time ever writing it and I felt so awkward doing it so please bear with me. It's not very good but I felt like it was important for their relationship to have it in there.

"you can't just come into my home and take away my daughter!" Pam screams at the social workers who have turned up at our door.

"Yes we can ma'am, we've got a letter from the state saying this child has no parental guardians and needs to be put into the system" one of the social workers says and proceeds to grab my arm

"she's been living with us for the past 6 months almost and now you turn up and threaten to take her!" Alex shouts back just as angry as Pam.

"Look we can do this the easy or the hard way, I can get the cops involved and have you locked up or she can come with us," The bigger guys says threatening them all which I am not having

"Look I'll go with you okay, just leave them out of it all," I say to the two workers and let them drag me out of my home

"you'll be hearing from my lawyers!" Pam shouts as I'm almost pushed into the car.

I look out the back window and see everyone staring as the car drives further and further away from my family. What the fuck has just happened

"can someone please explain what the fuck is going on?" I ask a little angrily to the two people in front of the car

"you don't have any guardians kid, we have to take you into the foster system," The one driving tells me

"I haven't had guardian for over a month and now you decide to come to pick me, right after I win a National Championship!" I say throwing my hands up in the air

"Sorry kid, we only got the order today, it's just how things worked out," The guys say looking back at me

"and my pizza too!" I groan out before slumping into the back seat and wondering where the hell they're taking me

"Alright kid, we're here," One of them says and I sit up a little to look out the window and start laughing

"Usually most kids are crying or super angry, we've never had a laughing one before," The guy says looking at me confused

"I'll see you fellas later, thanks for the lift" I say smiling happily at them and skipping towards the home.

I knock on the door and wait for someone to answer it, chuckling to myself at how this has all worked out.

"Dan? What are you going here?" Devon asks opening the door as he gives me a bro hug

"Let's just say, you're looking at your new housemate," I say causing more confusion to spread across his face

"well we're all in the living room celebrating your win tonight," He says and I follow him inside

"Is Mrs K here, I probably need to speak with her?" I tell Devon

"Yeah she's in here with everyone else," He says

"I found someone lurking by the front door" Devon calls out making all heads turn this way

"Babe!" Kelley yells jumping out her seat and running to hug me

"hey freckles," I say hugging her tightly and kissing the top of her head as she buries her head into my neck

"I love you a lot Dan but it's past 10 at night, these lots are all heading up in an hour and I'm expecting a new kid coming" Mrs K says apologetically to me

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