It is, and I'll give you one if you're not careful

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"Well look who it is, I heard you got slapped by a teacher, bet you're used to getting hit all the time right, that black eye says a lot about you" Jaelene says walking up to me with her troop by her side.

"is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that just came out your mouth?" I question spinning on my heel to face her

"you think you're funny don't you, your just a waste of space to everyone here Dan," She says getting riled up quickly

"Jealousy is a disease Jaelene, I hope you get well soon," I say faking sympathy to her and waking off with a smug look on my face.

I've got my first game today and I'm not letting Jaelene stop me from being focused for it.

After I disappeared yesterday, it turned out someone in the class recorded the whole exchange with my teacher and sent it around the school where it eventually landed on the headmaster's desk and the teacher was fired.

I had to have a meeting today about my use of inappropriate language but I was let off relatively easily since they didn't want a lawsuit to be involved and I was more than happy to get out detention free and no Mick or Brittney needing to get involved.

I put a toothpick in-between my lips, I habit I've picked up trying to stop the smoking problem and I've found this seems to help for some reason. I walk through the corridors, looks from most students being sent my way as I smirk on, even though I'm fed up of all the looks and glances getting sent my way.

"what's up?" I say to the group taking a seat next to Mal in the student lounge where the group seems to hang now

"still the talk of the school I see," Tobin says as she looks around at all the other students whisper to their friends

"I don't get what there's to talk about still, they need to move on" I groan out not wanting the extra attention right now

"something new will pop up tomorrow and it will all be forgotten, gossip moves here as fast as boyfriends do, nothing sticks for long" Christens says full off sass

"damn Chris, that was brutal," I say letting out a few laughs

"How we feeling about tonight then ladies?" Carli asks the team moving the conversation on

"pretty good, these guys are easy right, we beat them like 4-0 last time," Ali says speaking up

"yeah but they've got that number 9 who basically just a bulldozer and will destroy you if she gets the chance," Julie says

"oh God do you remember when she ran straight at Rose and the look on her face was priceless" Mal says making everyone laugh except Rose who turns red

"that's was the scariest experience of my life, I thought was going to die," She says holding her hand to her chest.

I zone out of the conversation for a second and end up staring into space when I feel a hand on my knee

"you okay, you look a little out of it?" Kelley whispers quietly to me

"I'm good freckles, I promise," I say sending her a small smile

"erm could we have a chat later on today?" She asks me shyly

"of course, whatever you want to talk about I'm all ears" I say worried that somethings wrong but she sends me a thankful smile so hopefully all is okay

- - - -

"There's a big crowd out there tonight ladies, and the school expects us to win," Carli says standing at the front with Becky by her side

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