vii - I am sad

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I am sad

there. I said it.
I am sad
I feel sad
sadness is an adjective that's currently very descriptive of me
I feel like I am full of sadness
as if there's a river of sadness flowing inside me
choking me from the inside
it's reached my throat
it will reek out of my mouth and eyes

I am sad
sadness is me
sadness is inside me and I am inside sadness
like a fog that surrounds my eyes
tainting everything I see

I am sad
I don't want to be sad
I want to be sunshine and roses and butterflies
I want to be not-sad
even if not-sad doesn't mean happy

I am sad
I'm feeling sad
I'll feel sad for a while
but maybe it's okay to feel sad
maybe it would be better
if I looked at the cloud of sadness and made it mine
maybe if I sat with sadness just for a little while
not pushing it away
not pulling it closer
it will nod and say goodbye

because I feel sad
but I am not sad
I am more than the emotions boiling in me
I am myself
Even when I weep or rage
and that's the most amazing part
the fact that I am myself
even when I don't feel like it 

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