xi - we're both lying

527 49 22

I love you 
he says
I love you
I reply
and I realise we're both lying 

because his I love you  has to be coaxed out of his throat
and my I love you  has to be shaken out of my belly 
our words of love are like whispers from a grave nobody bothers to visit

it is like living inside a prison whose foundation we laid
we don't have love
cause if we had love we wouldn't feel this way

because honey
love is not entrapment
it is freedom

love is the baby bird's first leap of faith before it realises it can fly
love is the cicada's song which rumbles way into the night,
unaware of its magic
love is a single dewdrop on a blade of grass reflecting the sun's glory

it is not us

what we have, you and I
can never be called love 
it can only be called remembrance

lover is currently #10 on #poetry.
wow. thank you so much. this means the world to me. 
i love you.

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