xxiv - O Romeo

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O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
(O Romeo, Romeo, why must thou be Romeo?)

if it had been up to me
I would have set our story to fire
and used the flame to carve it into stone
if it had been up to me
I would have fought the forces above
avenging the love we now mourn
if it had been up to me
you and I would have never been the stars in their universe, for
people like us caused the big bang when they came too close

if it had been up to me 
we would have been two ordinary lovers
who held hands and sang songs 
two ordinary people who weren't the protagonists 
of a play that wasn't their own 

if it had been up to me 
we would have been love and lover 
I would have given you my heart
while you kissed my eyebrows 

but our story was crafted by a kind sadist who knows us too well to ever let us be one
so despite the tears that I wish I didn't weep,
in spite of the lies that I prayed to be true,
love, my love
my fate has no place for you.

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