xxiii - cupcake love

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when I held your hand for the first time, I thought I was touching a stranger 
my fingers hugged your fingers under our desks
hiding from the universe's eyes 
we were sloppy. messy. 
our relationship was a crayon art created by five year olds 
we stepped over lines we didn't even know 
I looked into your eyes and said I love you and only you 
you looked into my eyes and said I love you now and forever and more 

we taught ourselves to say I love you's
the way a parent taught their child how to say 'please' and 'thank you'
what do you say when your boyfriend calls you pretty?
I love you. 
what do you say when your girlfriend gives you her lunch?
I love you.
now and tomorrow and forever and more. 

we knew of their stares and their secret laughs
we knew the universe snickered when we said-
you and I, together forever

but maybe it didn't matter 
if you and I weren't meant to last
maybe all that mattered were the hand-holdings and the lunch-feedings
little acts that showed-
I might not love you forever
you might not love me forever
but we love each other now 
so the least we can do is make these moments count. 

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