Chapter 1

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Onika Tanya Maraj

I carefully inspected my reflection in the bathroom mirror, ensuring that not a single hair was out of place. Slowly raking my eyes over the simple outfit, I sighed trying to figure out what was wrong.

My hair? Slayed.

My face? Beat to perfection.

My earrings and name chain were in their correct places.

Frustrated, I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. What's wrong with me?

Smoothing my T-shirt down, I gently ran my hands over the small bump beginning to form just above my pants line. After wiping the tears beginning to fall, I smiled down at my round stomach rubbing in circles, probably soothing myself more so than the fetus growing inside me.

"You're the size of an avocado this week baby." I whispered softly, as if there was anyone here to be quiet for. I giggled at my hormones fucking with my emotions. Oh the joys of being 4 months pregnant. Just as I sat down in attempt to put on my shoes, I heard a door open down stairs, startling me.

I scrambled to get up fighting my stomach and my disproportionately small body almost losing the battle against itself. If there was one thing this pregnancy wasn't doing, it was making my life easier. Even getting up off the floor was hell.

"Nicki?" A deep voice rang out from downstairs.

Shit. He's not supposed to be home yet.

Finally getting up, I quickly grabbed the aged 'Queens Senior High' hoodie from my closet and threw it on as fast as possible. For a few short seconds, I felt like I did 10 years ago.

His heavy footsteps brought me back to present time. The worn, black cotton fabric hung loosely over my steadily widening figure. The bump was hidden perfectly. Thank God.

His tall dark frame stood in the doorway to my bedroom, he grunted before walking completely in and plopping his body on my bed.

I swear I hate this nigga.

"Yes Rihmeek." I stood facing him. He looked like a clump of mud laying lazily on the bright white comforter set. Eight of my twelve pillows were crushed beneath his weight. "You better keep your dirty ass shoes off that fucking bed."

"Your mouth been real bold lately, " He rolled his eyes like a bitch before continuing "Who you think you talking to like that?"

I cursed myself mentally knowing that I had awoken a beast that I had been trying to keep sleeping. Meek's jaw clenched tightly as he sat up slowly.

He was the lion, and I was the gazelle. His prey ready to be taken. My breathing was shallow.

"So you had all that mouth a few seconds ago but now you ain't saying shit?" He growled.

Before I could react, Meek's large hand was crushing my throat as he towered over my small body. The mirror I was once looking into was shattered behind me.

Please Lord, spare me and my child.

By now the tears were leaking out my eyes and I was paralyzed with fear.

"I'm sorry Meek. P-Please let go. I can't breathe." I croaked out.

My small hands clawed at his larger ones but I was being held hostage in his grip. My breaths were getting more ragged and my vision was spotty. His dark eyes pierced mine and his grip tightened before he finally let me go.

I collapsed onto the floor gasping for air as he crouched down to my level. Those same eyes that once captivated my heart so lovingly were now looking at me like I was the scum of the earth- like I was dog shit on his shoes. I looked back to the floor.

"You're lucky I didn't bend your ass over that fucking bed and take that shit you owe me." He grabbed my chin roughly and turned me to look at him again. "You better learn how to fucking talk to me, stupid bitch."

"I'm sorry Meek I won't do it again." My breathing started to regulate again but my neck was sore to the touch. I looked in my shattered mirror and saw the bruises started forming.

He turned around once more looking in my direction on his way out of the room. "And for Christ's sake, lose some fucking weight. That shit ain't cute. Your face is getting chubby and your fucking gut is poking out."

I watched Meek turn back around and go back down the steps. A few moments later, I heard another door open and the music started blasting from the basement.

After finally collecting myself and finishing getting dressed, I looked at the shattered mirror and decided on just throwing it away later.

I hated that this was my life. That Meek had so much control. I was trapped and now I have to figure how to keep my pregnancy a secret because my belly is growing everyday. He can't find out about this child. I don't even care that it's his.

I looked at my phone and the time read 5:30 pm. I was running late. Slipping my shoes on, I grabbed my purse and rushed out the door to my car.

I tried to shake my thoughts about what just happened to me as I pulled out of my driveway and drove back to a place that held many of my best memories but also many of the worst.

Tonight was the beginning of our 10 year class reunion weekend.

Let the dramas of the past begin to unfold.

I just wanted to try my hand at writing!! I've been obsessed with Beynika books sooooo here we are lmao !

Hope you enjoyed it.

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