Chapter 2

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Beyoncé Giselle Knowles

"Shawn I'm not coming with you." I shook my head smiling.

"Bey, why did you agree to come to New York then?" Shawn responded.

"The free trip to New York, duh." I shrugged.

Shawn and I had been best friends for almost 5 years now. We met when he was visiting Houston for work. He was a little weird and like most guys, he tried to flirt immediately. Keyword there is tried. You would think with all the lips he had he would know how to use them but he was about as smooth as a gravel road. From there, our friendship grew and I taught him how to properly spit game.

Now he was trying to convince me to go with him to a bonfire that would celebrate his 10 year class reunion.

"C'mon Bey, please just come with me."

"You only want me there so people think we're together."

His facial expression displayed a fake hurt look. "What's the harm in that?"

"Um, we're not."

This nigga.



I watched him slip on some crisp all white Forces and he looked at me again with pleading eyes. Oh my God. He won't just let it go.

"Fine," I said giving in. He flashed a smile at me. I hope he knows everything comes with a price. "But you owe me."

"Bet. Anything you want."

"An ounce of the best weed you can find." In Houston, I work as an Herbalist and Spiritual Counselor. I believe that everything can be cured with something that comes from the earth and a clean spirit. The earth is so beautiful and she is a giver. That also means I'm a firm believer in Marijuana. Recreationally and Medicinal. I mean the Earth does give it to us.


We shook hands and I glanced over my outfit. I had on a simple white t-shirt, and dark fitted skinny jeans. I threw on a pair of Cowboy boots, grabbed my bag and waited for Shawn by the door. It was simple but enough. Most people get too caught up on their outward appearance and not the energy they give off.

Shawn and I walked out of his condo and to his car. He glanced at me before we got in the car.

"What?" I looked down at my clothes, "Is something wrong?"

"Yo you look country as hell."

"I'm from Houston. I'm not conforming for no city folks." I looked over his outfit and rolled my eyes. "And what kind of sense does it make to wear all white sneakers to a bonfire."

He flipped me off and we got in the car and headed toward our destination.

"You know I'm telling everyone we're not together right."

"Really, Bey?" He side-eyed me while driving.

"I will not allow you to block a blessing from me."

He chuckled softly as we pulled up to what I'm guessing was his old high school. Shawn seemed tense but hell, it was a high school.
I felt the energy shift in the car before we got out.

"Hey, you okay?" I was concerned for him, partly because my job was to pick up on imbalances but also because he was my friend. I placed my hand on his thigh for reassurance that I was here for him.

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