Chapter 7

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Wassuppppp, be on the look outtt for the next update soon (DEADASS I PROMISE YALL, I'm going to stop this once a month shit)


Onika Tanya Maraj

I pushed the small cart around the store looking for the cereal isle. Since there was nothing else for me to do in the house, Bey and I decided that the groceries can be something that I do during the week when she's gone. I looked down at my list and realized I forgot to write down almond milk after I finished Bey's last carton this morning. I was fucking her Frosted Flakes up this morning! The baby was loving them and I couldn't help it! One thing Beyonce hated was niggas eating her shit so I knew I had to get some more of those too.

Walking to the refrigerated part of the store I rubbed my bump looking over the different brands of milk available. Once I found the one I was looking for, I made my way toward the door of the fridge to make my selection. While placing the items I had in my hand, the cart shifted from its original position causing me to drop one of the milks on the ground. It's scared me a little bit, but I was fine.

A dark colored hand immediately reached down, a kind voice followed.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry about that! Are you okay?" The woman's head turned to me and her face was full of concern. She had a dark complexion, visibly blemish free and clear of all make up. Her white smile was perfect framed with pretty lips. Like my old self, I felt like creeping deep in away from the Nubian barbie.

"Yes, thank you. I'm fine. Really." She extended her arm and I took the milk from her and placed it in my cart.

"You're pregnant! Congratulations!! You're so beautiful-- you're literally glowing! How far along are you?" The woman inquired attentively.

"I'm about 29 weeks." I smiled back.

"Do you know what you're having yet?"She asked as she grabbed the same milk that I had from the fridge.

"Um no, not yet. Everytime I try to go and have an appointment, the baby refuses to sit in position to get a clear image. " I explained as she went back to her cart.

"Aw, well I wish you the best of luck! All new life is a blessing and I'm sure you'll be an amazing mother!" She smiled big once more. "Sorry again about the cart love!"

"You're fine! And Thank you." With that, we went our separate way in the store.

One thing that has definitely changed recently is I have started showing a lot more. Now everywhere I go, I'm pregnant. I mean obviously I know I've been pregnant for the last 7 months but now it's like the whole world only talks about that when ever I'm out in public. Beyonce loves it because that's her prime time to play family. As soon as someone says anything, she walks over to me and puts her hand on my belly like a happy "mama to be".

Even at home, every chance she gets she is talking, reading and praying with the baby. I think that later on this week we're going to start working on the nursery. I have to pick a gender neutral theme because I think I want to just wait til he or she is born to find out the sex.

I continued my shopping crossing off items on my list as I went along. After paying for my groceries my baby decided to lay on my bladder making my urge to pee undeniable. I wanted to hold it, but I could tell that I wouldn't make it all the way home. The best bet was to stop at Bey's store so I could use it and then leave. Plus, today is the only day she has to work in-store with Kehlani now because since everything went down, she rearranged their schedules just to avoid her. Then she always comes home with an attitude just from being around the girl for a few hours.

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