Chapter 6

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So I looked at the calendar and I was like 'OH SHIT IT'S JULY'

Look I'm not even about to pretend like I didn't just lowkey go missing and I'm sorry. Enjoy.
Onika Tanya Maraj

Today was my appointment to find out the gender of my baby, and to say I was excited would be an understatement. I had a couple hours until I had to meet Beyoncé at her store and I needed to start getting ready for to go but all I could think about was ice cream. I just need a big gallon of Neapolitan and I would be fine. 

The further along in my pregnancy I get, the more I hate to drive. It's so annoying getting in and out of the car. Then Beyonce thinks it's fucking funny to leave me with her Ford F-150. I can't even get in it.

I moved from the kitchen freezer to the freezer in the basement with Puddles following closely behind me. He never leaves me alone when it's just me in the house. Bey says it's because he can tell I'm pregnant and that naturally he knows to protect me.

After turning on every light in the basement because I don't do the dark, to no avail, after checking the second freezer and the deep freezer I was still without ice cream.

"Puddles what are we going to do?" He tilted his head in response, earning a laugh from me.

Actually I know exactly what to do. I picked up my phone and text Kehlani.

To: Lani💕
How much do you love me?
10:33 am

From: Lani💕
More than Bey loves weed lmfao
10:34 am
From: Lani💕
Why wassup?

To: Lani💕
🤣🤣We need some ice cream
10:37 am

From: Lani💕
Hell nah. Bey isn't cussing me out over bringing you a snacks again.
10:40 am

I knew she wasn't going to be easy to convince but this craving is strong.

To: Lani💕
Please baby. It'll be quick 🥺
10:41 am

From: Lani💕
Smh. Okay but if Bey finds out you better save my ass🙄
10:43 am
From: Lani💕
I'll be there in 10. Neapolitan?
10:43 am

To: Lani💕
Yessss please :) Just use your key to come in.
10:45 am

"Puddles we're getting our ice cream!" I pet his back before retrieving what I needed for my shower. After about 15 minutes I heard Puddles run out the bathroom and down to the door. My ice cream has arrived.

"Nicki?" Kehlani called.

"In my bathroom!" I continued moisturizing my body before rapping the towel around my body. When I walked into my room, Kehlani was laying on my bed with two spoons and the party size pail of ice cream.

"Here you go, love."

I gladly took the ice cream and popped the top off, walked to my dresser and began getting my clothes out.

"Are you working the shop today while Bey takes me to the appointment?" I asked "Close your eyes"

Kehlani placed her hands over her eyes before responding so I could put on my panties and bra. "Uncover them."

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