Chapter 8

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Hey :) I told y'all I was for real


Beyonce Giselle Knowles

I unlocked the front door to my house feeling blessed to be able to see my home again. Leaving and returning safely is a feat that many take for granted when thinking about the little blessings in life.

I took off up the stairs and walked down the hall to Nicki's room. I was so excited to just  go talk to her first like I always do when I come home. The idea of coming home to somebody was just so refreshing and the fact that it was Nicki was an even sweeter deal.

"I wouldn't do that just yet..."

Who the hell?

I turned to see Solange peaking her head out from the corner of the  hallway.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper-yelled.

She motioned me over to her and I followed her to her room. Once we were inside, we both sat on the bed.

"First off, I missed you sister!" She threw her weight on me and gave me a strong hug.

"I missed you too, Solo," I released her before continuing, "I appreciate seeing you and all, but what are you doing here?!"

"Okay so onedaywhileIwaspackingKellycalledmeandIletitslipthatIwassuprisingyouforawhileandshesaidshewwouldcomealongtoo" She rushed out. I could hardly understand what she said, but one name surely did capture all of my attention; Kelly.

"Kelly? Kelly! You brought Kelly and didn't even think to send me a text or anything?! A whole trip from LA to Texas and not a single warning?" I stood up off the bed and began pacing the room. My heart was making my chest thump and the sweat on my head was sure to shrivel my edges.

"Yes, it just slipped right out, I'm so sorry BeyBey and then she kept me busy talking about any and everything the whole plane ride and drive and grocery store trip. I didn't even know where my phone was half of the time!" I put my hand up to stop Solo's rambling. "I think she went shopping or something."

"Solo, " I took a deep breath to calm my shaky voice, "How could you bring her here?"

"Bey, what was I supposed to say? 'I'm sorry there's no room on the PRIVATE JET'" Before giving her time to react I stormed over to her and clasped my hand over her mouth. Her disgruntled objection became muffled in my hand.

"Hey, Hey! You have to keep quiet about all of that!" Solange's eyes grew wide while she pried my mouth free of her hand.

"You mean to tell me, you got this girl living in here with you and she doesn't even know you're literally a self made millionaire ?" I shook my head quickly.

"No and I intend to keep it that way until further notice."

"Unbelievable!" She threw her hands up. "Where does she think all of this stuff is coming from? An Only Fans?"


"I'm just wondering!" She threw her hands up, backing off.

"The store. She knows about the store and my other business."

"Okay, so just not the other, other business?" I nodded in response. "The business that you and your first love co-own together in a WHOLE NOTHER STATE?"

"Solange if you don't shut the hell up, they'll be picking through your shit trying to find your teeth for next two weeks because I will knock them hoes down your throat. Keep fuckin with me." I spat.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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