ethel| bughead

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It was just a normal Tuesday morning. Betty and Jughead walked into school hand in hand like they normally do every day, chatting about the current mystery going about in Riverdale. They notice that they were getting strange looks today though. Mostly at Jughead. "What is going on Jug?" Betty said in a state of confusion. "I'm...... not sure." He replies. Right then Archie and Veronica come running up to them and grab them, pulling them into the student lounge. "Whoa dude what are you doing" Jug says. "Yeah, what's going on guys? Why is everyone giving Jug dirty looks?" Betty says. "About that...." V says. "Betty.... Cooper." An arrogant voice says from behind, Betty and Jughead whip their heads around to see who the voice belongs to. "Ethel!?" They all say in unison. "Yeah it's me bitch. Get your damn hands of my boyfriend Cooper." Ethel says, referring to Betty, still holding Jugheads hand. "Excuse me phsyco? Your boyfriend!?" Betty responds. "Yeah my boyfriend stupid. Me and Jughead are in love, right Juggie?" She used her nickname for him. This lunatic just called him Juggie. "I'm sorry Ethel but what the hell is wrong with you? I'm with Betty. Not you. Ever never even been slightly interested in you and never will be." Jughead snaps back at her. "That's not what you said last night baby" Ethel says seductively. Betty can't help but laugh. "Bitch what are you talking about? He was with me last night. In. My. Bed" Betty says back at her. "Aw, making up lies to feel better about yourself because you'll never be pretty enough to have Jughead? Sad." Ethel says to Betty, literally describing exactly what she was doing. " You BITCH!" Betty screams, slapping Ethel across the face. "Ugh!!" Ethel hits her back. Jughead grabs Betty, pulling her away from Ethel, while Veronica attempts to grab Ethel away. "Cooper, Jones, Muggs! My office! NOW!" Weatherbee screams at them.
"Anyone care to explain what the hell just happened in the student lounge?" Weatherbee presses. "Bettys pretending to date Jughead, My BOYFRIEND for no reason?" Betty and Jughead just look at Ethel. "Ms Cooper is this correct?" Weatherbee asks. "nO, me and Jughead are dating, we have been for like 2 1/2 years!" "She's lying!" Ethel pressures. "Oh i'm lying, am I?" Betty gets an idea. "How about this Ethel?" Betty grabs Jugheads shirt and pulls him in for a long, long kiss. "Alright that's enough!" Weatherbee says. Betty pulls away slowly. Jug bites her bottom lip a little bit after just to prove a point. "I can do that to!!" Ethel says, attempting to grab Jugs shirt and pull him. "Whoa!!" He shoves Ethel back and pulls away before shes even within a foot of his lips. "You. did. not. just. do. that." Betty says to Ethel, not intimidated, just annoyed. "Alright, Jughead which girl are you with? Betty or Ethel?" Weatherbee asks "Betty" He says, not skipping a beat. "Always Betty, never anyone but Betty." Ethel pouts in her seat. "Alright, case closed. I've notified all of your parent of this incedent, they will be picking you all up."
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"Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, and Ethel Muggs to the principals office." The loudspeaker says once they're all back in class. Alice and Fp are there to pick up Betty and Jug. They laugh once told of the situation. Betty notices Ethel standing in the front office waiting for her mom. "Hey Ethel?" Betty says. She turns to look. Right then Betty grabs Jugheads face and pulls him in for another hot, passionate kiss. Jughead puts one hand on her waist, the other in her back pocket, hand resting on her ass. Betty puts both of her hand in Jugs hair, running her hands through his hair. They pull away after a minute. Ethel is still looking at Betty hatefully. "And that's what you get when you act phsyco and ridiculous." Alice and FP laugh at their children, and they all walk of together to get Pops.

lol i didn't know how to end this. it's currently 3:50 in the morning and my eyes burn, idk what to do with myself anymore.

i saw a barchie 🤮 edit on tiktok today and literally started crying. i haTE THEM. people who ship barchie deserve as many rights as the ice age baby. can y'all tell i have adhd??? anyway i'm gonna go to bed now

also sorry if theres any grammar errors, i wrote this on my phone. gn y'all 🤠


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