pebbles, to be exact| bughead

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It was late, far later than it should have been. Betty knew she shouldn't be up at this hour. Sobbing over someone who couldn't care less about her. He broke her heart, she had loved him, put her entire heart and soul into their relationship and he threw it away. She couldn't hear the faint tapping at
her window through her cries. But they continued, and eventually she caught on. They were rocks, pebbles, to be exact. She wondered who could be hitting her window with pebbles this late. She opened the window slightly to see who it was. Her childhood best friend, Jughead, stood at the foot of her window. With sad eyes she nodded for him to come up. He crawled through the window and sat down in her chair. Betty just stood there, holding in her tears, even though Jughead was her best friend, he happened to also be close with Archie, the boy who left her heart so shattered. "I'm so, so sorry Betty." He said repeatedly, holding her small frame, she didn't hug him back. Partly because she felt too weak to move, from sobbing uncontrollably for 3 and a half hours. The other part because she partially blamed him for it. He was his best friend for God's sake, he could have said something, done something, anything to get him to let her down slower. Betty was never a big person to show emotions, that was part of how she presented herself, the girl who's never sad, never happy, just.....there. When Archie asked her to Pops one day, her life was changed, for the better, she thought. She gained the strength to pull away from Jugheads embrace, "Why would you come here?" She said coldly. Because Betty, you're my best friend, and, and I care about you." She laughed at him sardonically. "Wow... wow, now you care about me?!" She shoved him. He knew that she was hurt and angry, and she needed somewhere to channel her rage, and if that was by hitting him, that was okay. Because truth be told, he was mad to. At himself. At himself for not helping her earlier, for not stopping this, or even warning her that Archie was planning on breaking up with her. "Where were you, Jughead, where were you when I spent the last 2 weeks alone, sobbing into my pillow, wondering why I wasn't enough, for Archie, for you, for anyone!" She screamed, shoving him again, this time more harshly. "I was mad! Betty! I was mad, at myself for not helping you, because I love you, you're my best friend and I want to be there for you! But I can't, I don't know how! I want to help you get through this. And I will. You just have to give me time." "Give you time? GIVE YOU TIME!? I JUST HAD MY HEART SHATTERED BY YOUR BEST FRIEND, AND YOU NEED TIME?!" "Betty, Betty, Betty, shhhhh." He whispered as she was now sobbing uncontrollably in her arms. Betty looked up. She looked into his now glossed over green eyes, as he hated to see her like this, so hurt. And he looked back into hers. For a moment, just a moment, she saw a glimmer of hope. And in an instead she did the only thing she was certain of. She kissed him. He was startled at first. But then he kissed her back. They slowly pulled away, smiling into the kiss. Maybe, just maybe, she could be happy again.

lol i'm actually kinda proud of this. teehee. i actually originally wrote this as an actual story with the names casee as betty, sam as archie, and mason as jug. lol y'all prolly don't care. thanks for like 36 reads that's kinda kool. alright i'm rambling now. ask me questions about myself in the comments, i wanna get to know y'all, also requests?? goodnighttttttt,


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