008 - Sadie 2

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Note: Sorry if this is bad, I haven't written in a while so apologies in advance!!

I woke slowly to the sound of birdsong. I opened my eyes to the sight of the four Beatles looking at me. I had a poster of them on the wall at the end of my bed. My alarm clock had not yet gone off but I dragged myself out of bed all the same. I tried to be as quiet as I could as my roommate Akari was still asleep. I tip-toed about the room as I looked for things like books, copies and pens that I would need for the day. I pulled on my scratchy uniform and went to brush my short hair. It was well knotted from the light sleep I had had that night. I then put on my headphones while I had the chance. Before long I would be in a class listening to the English teacher droning on about structuring answers. While My Guitar Gently Weeps played first. I mimed the words because I didn't want to embarrass myself with my terrible singing. I flopped back down on my bed and let myself be absorbed by the music. It was one of my favourite songs, after all. When it finished I opened my eyes and looked at the alarm clock. Now I was almost late!!! Akari still looked completely out of it and I'd probably have a hard time waking her. Maybe she was sick and needed a lie-in. I grabbed my books and ran out of the room. I was a fast walker so it wasn't a big deal to get to class. I walked past the basement, wondering why it was glowing, then did a double take. Glowing? What was happening down there? Maybe it was just the caretaker doing something. Probably nothing to worry about. I walked into English in the nick of time, and plonked myself down at a desk. The other Sadie walked in late and got a hiding from Ms Heffenbacher. I felt sorry for her, she didn't deserve it. I didn't have time to talk to anyone, not that I have many friends. I took down some half-arsed notes and when class finished I walked out briskly, saying a quick hello to the other girls. I joined with Akari after class and we talked until we had to part ways.

Chemistry next? Yup. I have no idea why I chose chemistry. None of the science subjects had ever stood out to me, so I picked randomly. It was a non-descript class, kinda boring to be honest.

German! I like German. I like languages in general. I can speak Irish, French and German. The teacher's nice.

So the day went like that, not amazing but not a bad day either. Until after songwriting, the last class of the day. I decided to head down to the basement just to see what was going on. I could hear voices down there, girl's voices, not adults.

'Hello?' I said

And through the haze of luminous colours, I could see..........


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