Let the wolf speak

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"I don't know to be honest. He didn't like it very much when I talked to Isaac and then we argued when he took me home and then I told him to pull over, because I wanted to walk home. So...after he drove away I got attacked, pretty badly. I don't know...ever since then we have been arguing mostly over some silly things. I'm tired of arguing with him, I want to be normal friends with him, but he makes it really hard. And it pisses me off." I explained to them with a lot of hand gestures.


"He probably likes you." Danny said after thinking for a minute and then smirked at me.

"As if, Danny." I said, sighing.

"Hey, Y/N/N. We're boys. We know how boys act when they like someone. He probably likes you. That's why he's all mean. He just doesn't know how to act around you. We've known Stiles longer than you have, trust us. Maybe he was jealous that day when you talked to Isaac and not him. He's gonna apologize to you soon enough, believe me." Ethan said and gave me a smile.

"He likes me MAX  as a friend, trust me, guys. He likes Lydia. I'm positive we all know that by now." I said and looked at them.

"You'll never know." Danny said.

I nodded and then I saw them holding hands. If this isn't the cutest thing ever...I don't know what is. They're adorable.

"Oh my god, guys. You look so cute right now together. Can I pretty please take a picture of you?" I asked them and made my puppy eyes. At least tried to. They laughed and then nodded.

"Yay!" I said and then quickly took my phone out and took a picture of them holding each other's hand and they were smiling at the camera. After taking the picture I smiled at it proudly and showed it to them happily.

"Send it to me too, Y/N." Danny said smiling.

"Me too, please." Ethan said, smiling.

"Yes, yes." I said and sent it to both of them. 

Then we all put our phones away and just talked and laughed. We had so much fun and then...

"What's the clock?" I asked them after a while.

"Oh shoot. It's 5.40pm already!" Danny said, panicking.

"God! We gotta go." I said to the both of them.

"You're right." Ethan said.

Then we stood up and walked to the car. 

They drove me to my house, we said our byes and I was about to step out of the car when...

"Hey, Y/N. I have to perform tonight at school. It's the memorial thing. Are you coming too? Because if you are then we could give you a ride there, because we're going there right now. I have to practice too before performing." Danny suggested to me.

"I would love to, but I don't want you guys to waste your time on me." I told them awkwardly.

"What? We would love it, if you would come with us, come on." Ethan told me with a serious face, but then he smiled.

"Oh okay. If you say so then sure." I said smiling at both of them and then the three of us drove to school.

 Right when we made it Danny went to the others who also had to perform tonight.

 So me and Ethan went to sit next to his twin brother, Aiden. 

We just talked until the performance started and then at some point Scott came, grabbed my arm and dragged me away from the others.

"What's wrong, Scott?!" I asked him very worriedly, because the whole time looked around to see if anyone had followed us.

"Jennifer found Lydia. She's with her in some of the classrooms. We need to-" Scott started, but he was cut off by a scream. It wasn't loud tho. Wait...HOW DID I HEAR THAT?! 

We ran to the direction where the sound came, but at some point Scott stopped. 

I turned around to look at him with a really confused face.

"What?" I asked him annoyedly.

"Find Lydia! I need to tell Stiles that his dad's here. Go! I'll meet you there. Don't get killed." Scott said and ran to some other direction. Then I ran to the English classroom, where Jennifer was trying to strangle Lydia.

"STOP!" I shouted when I entered the classroom.

"Oh wow...A banshee and the controlled werewolf on the same night? Well that is a surprise." She said evilly. Wait...controlled werewolf?

"Huh? What do you mean by controlled w-werewolf?" I asked her nervously.

"You two don't even know what you're capable of, do you?" She asked me and came closer to me while I stepped back.

"I literally have no clue what you're even talking about. Just let Lydia out of here and I won't have to shoot you, like I planned to." I told her angrily.

"Yeah, and with what exactly are you going to shoot me, huh? You can try, but I'll heal just like you do." Jennifer said and smirked evilly at me yet again.

"With a loaded gun." I heard the sheriff's voice behind Jennifer.

 I turned to look at him with wide eyes.

"Sheriff no!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"Don't you think you need to listen to that teenager? You have no chance against me. You're a human." Jennifer scoffed at him.

"You're a murderer." He shouted at Jennifer and pointed his gun at her.

"Don't you dare to touch sheriff or Lydia or I promise I will literally rip your throat out." I said and glared at her and then stood between her and Lydia.

"Now that sounds like a werewolf. But we both know that I have to. Pity, right?" She asked me with a fake sad voice.

"Nope. You don't have to and you won't. I personally won't let it happen. No matter what." I said and then she came closer to me, but then we saw Stiles struggling to open the door.

 Jennifer saw him and then pushed the table in front of the door so he wouldn't get it. Oh he got mad there...I looked at him and when I turned around Jennifer came even closer to me, grabbed my throat and pushed me down.

 I quickly stood back up, because I won't give up that easily. I grabbed her ankle and she fell down. After I stood up I held my throat and looked at her.

"Yo-You can't get rid of me that easily. You little bitch. It takes more of your power to get rid of me." I said as she stood up.

"You two knew too much about me. I had to and also will get rid of you two one day." She said angrily.

"Stay away from them!" Scott yelled behind her.

"Don't say anything right now, Scott." I said and looked at him sadly.

"That's right, Scott. Let the wolf speak." She smirked and looked at me.

"Shut up!" I yelled at her and then I punched her on the face, but she just smirked as she fell backwards. 

I rolled my eyes and then ran to Lydia and untied her. She gave me a little smile, it was a weak one. And then her eyes widened.

 I looked at her confusedly and then quickly turned around Jennifer pushed me on the table, hard. I groaned in pain and then she put a silver knife through my chest and oh well...this time...I screamed loudly in pain. 

Then the usual thing happened and I blacked out...

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