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Mark seems to be okay now, he doesn't even heard a single whine from the senior since the day he took the knot. For Mark, it is a big achievement but wha's more is seeing Ram chasing over a senior with a single rose on his hand, wow can't believe he can be this romantic 5555. Now, he and his friends decided to hang out since it's heen awhile while Ram decided not to come.

"Oi, I hate it when I can't drink." Team whined pouting drinking milk, Fuse teased him as he moved the glass of liqour to his friend's face then drink it slowly. Team pouted even more.

"That is why you need to practice drinking yourself." Kampan said as he pushed the glass to Team but Mark doesn't like that kind of idea knowing how he hate it when his friend his drunk.

"No." Mark said as he took the shot for Team.

"Oh Killjoy." Kampan stated pouting.

"Oh when he got drunk it is a burden for me since his room is next to mine so don't give me that kind of face." Fuse laughed at how Mark scolded Kampan and laughed even more seeing his face crumpled.

"Yes mama," Kampan said as if he is a kid pleasing his mom. Mark wanted to smack him but he did not since he can't reach him.

"Where's Phu?" Team asked.

"He said he'll just pee."

"uh guys..." Everyone turned their head hearing Phu's voice but that changes their expression as they saw the people behind him.

"Mind if we join you guys?" said North, of course, who can decline knowing if they did a punishment is waiting.

"Thank you." North stated as he smiled at them and sit next to Mark, the others then sit on the empty seats. Mark suddenly clicked his tongue in silent seeing the blonde senior sitting next to his friend who can't drink.

"Let's have a fun night! Cheers!" North lifted his glass.

"Cheers!" Everyone tossed and drink except Team of course who is just eating the chips.

"N'Mark, why aren't you replying on my messages?" Fuse and Kampan almost choked hearing it from North and looked at Mark who seems to be not bothered.

"Oh that, I turned it off." Mark replied not even glancing at the person besides him.

"But you replied on Ai'Vee, Im getting jealous." Mark paused as North were getting closer to him, he smiled awkwardly as he took a glance at the senior next to Fuse, he is almost got a heart attack as their eyes met, is he staring at me?

"P'North, do you think that Mark looks handsome tonight?" Kampan teased making Mark to keep his smile but already is kicking his friend's leg.

"He's always handsome in my eyes." And that made them to teased them again. Vee looked away as he rolled his eyes, Mark who is just smiling made him even more annoyed. How can he smile like that? Does he like my friend too? Bullshit.

"Wow, P'North is confident." Fuse prasied the senior but the sudden slamming of the table made them to look at the certain someone.

"But no one's more confident than Ai'Ram." Team said as he rolled his eyes at North and went back to eat chips, Kampan booed him.

"It's true! He can even talk back to him!" Team pointed Win who is just silently drinking, Kampan and Fuse nods.

"But you talked back to me as well, alot." Win whispered to Team making the nong pushed the senior's face away.

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