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Little by little, Mark were getting better he doesn't woke up at the middle of the night and would go to the senior's bed, Vee were having a good sleep these days as well since before, he keep himself up by not sleeping until 2:30 AM just to make sure Mark wouldn't do anything and would just sleep peacefully. Seeing the nong having a good sleep made Vee so happy that he cherish him everyday. Even though they still aren't dating, Vee didn't make the nong to rush things, he wants Mark to be better first before asking him to be his officially again. Vee also knew that last time, Mark and North had a talk and that is North- who stopped pursuing Mark since he thinks he has find the right one already and that is one of Gun's younger brother, Praram. And Vee thank God for that, it is so hard to have your friend liking the same person as yours.

"Good morning." Vee greeted Mark who seems to be awaken, the senior were observing the nong's face earlier, he seems to be so perfect for Vee. Mark were surprised realizing that the senior were on his side and on top of that, he is on the senior's embrace.

"D-Did I do something again last night?" Asked Mark who seems to be nervous, Vee smiled at him as he shook his head.

"You didn't." Mark sighed but brows were still furrowed.

"But why are we sleeping together?" The question made Vee to look away.

"I can't sleep well last night so I went to hug you." The boldness of the senior made Mark to roll over as he blushed and quickly stood up.

"I'll go shower first then?" Mark said as he rushed to the bathroom. Vee just smiled seeing the nong and went back to his bed.

Vee walks Mark to his class, everyday he seems to be liking it when they were walking together, even though they were the center of attention but the two didn't care. Mark weren't moved by it as well, everytime Vee would take him to his class he feels happy and of course the teasing of his friends and classmates wouldn't pass.

"Call me when your class is over, Do well in class." Vee said as he messes the nong's hair and smiled at him before he walks back to his class as well.

"How's the life being a good husband?" Pond asked making Vee to curved his lips and just shrug, North cleared his throat as he sits comfortably.

"Are you dating now?" North questioned. Vee sighed as he sat next to his friend, eyes were darted infront.

"That's the case, I don't want him to think too much, I don't want to stress him out, I can wait anyway." Vee's words made his friends to clap their hands on their friend's words, how can handsome friend wait?

"Is Mark really worth waiting for?" Pond asked, Vee looked at him as if he had said something bad.

"He's worth to wait and worth to be waited, his worth can't be replace by anyone and anything for me, don't ask me that question again, you just don't know how worthy he is." Vee stated, Pond chuckle as they cheered and clap their hands again, how did Mark turn Vee into a man with words?

"Wow, Mark can turn you like that?" Yihwa laughs making the others as well.

"Daddy Vee is so great! But what if you wake up someday feeling like he isn't the one for you?" The question of Lee made the latter to glare at him but that expression was replaced by a blank one as he intertwined his fingers and stared at the white board.

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