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It's been a months already since Mark and Vee started dating officially, their relationship goes well and the senior took a really good care of the nong. Mark couldn't imagine how they call their room a cursed room anymore when he found out that he has sexsomnia- his treatment went well as well and he thanked God and Vee for making it possible to overcome it. He no longer doing that again but still comes to his doc for better.

"What?! He still not your boyfriend?!" Team said loudly making Phan to cover his friend's mouth, they were in a cafe since today is saturday. Ram nods at Team's question as he leaned on his seat.

"I will be called stupid if I won't think that hia is one of the reason," Team stated as he clenched his fist and stared nowhere, Mark were just sipping his drink as he just keep on listening.

"But I have a plan." And by that, Mark looked at Team knowing what his plan already is. He can clearly read it just by looking at his friend's face.

"And I will be called stupid if I won't think that threatening him to break up with you isn't part of your plan." Said Mark rolling his eyes, Team looked at his friend blankly as he narrowed his eyes.

"Are you saying that I'm a stupid?!" Team yelled, the other friends facepalmed knowing how loud Team is. Mark just shrug and smiled at Team wiggling his brows teasing him.

"I'm going to choke you to deaaaattthhhhhhhh!" Team fakely choked Mark but instead, that just tickles Mark more and let out a giggle.

"What are you? Kids?" Ram said and by that, Team and Mark rolled their eyes at their friend and continued to play not noticing how their friends look at the people who just came.

"Hey pokemon, you are not allowed to choke him." Vee's voice was heard and pulled Mark away, Team glared at the two as he turned to look on the other side, he was about to smile seeing his 'hia' but suddenly remembered his plan and frowned.

"How can you make my boy frown?" Win with a tone of a mad voice said looking at Vee. The latter just raised a brow as he stared back at his friend.

"How dare he choked my boyfriend?" Vee glared but was pulled by Mark to sit on his side.

"We're just playing and ahem, he is not actually frowning because of him-" Mark pointed his lover explaining to Win, the blonde furrowed his brows looking at his lover.

"He is frowning because of you khap." Mark continued.

"So mind if we all go first?" Mark said and signaled his friends to leave even to Ram whose eyes became fierce seeing Win. His friends then left and the last to leave is Mark and Vee, Mark tapped his friend's shoulder before leaving.

"What happened to that pokemon?" Asked Vee, Mark just smiled looking straight at the road not answering his boyfriend's question.

"What's with that smile?" Vee asked once again and once again, Mark didn't bother to answer. Vee sighed as he took the nong's hand trying to get his attention.

"You don't want to ask how's my day?" The senior's voice became gentle as he stared at the nong, Mark's smile fade away as he turned to the senior with a frown, his eyes were fierce and seems like Vee had done something that made him act like that. Seconds after, Mark turned to look back at the road and paused for awhile.

"Isn't that P'Ploy?" Mark pointed tha lady who seems talking to her phone, Vee looked at where Mark is pointing, the nong then faced the senior as he smiled like he is pissed or something that made Vee to feel like he was stabbed, he doesn't like it when the nong is acting like that.

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