A Morning with him🖤

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Nadia's POV
Next morning

I roll around feeling a set of hands wrapped around my waist. I smile remembering what happened last night between me and Desmond. I carefully rolled over to face him. As I become face to face with him I carefully bring my hand to his soft cheek that has little mustache hairs on them. I smiled to myself at the thought that he was finally mine and I was finally his. As I rubbed my thumb across his cheek I feel him shift a little causing me to stop. He then opened his green eyes slowly looking up at my face. He let out a smirk.

"You watching a nigga in his sleep?" He teased I rolled my eyes and laughed as he laughed along

"Good morning to you too Desmond" I laughed causing him to let out a smile

"Good morning mamas" He said getting up to hover over me. He then started kissing all over my face causing me to let out loud laughs.

"Okay Desmond stop yo breath stank" I laughed making him immediately stop and look at me like I was crazy.

"Ya yo breath stank" I laughed even more. He then got up and went to the end of the bed as I watched his every move. He grabbed me by the legs dragging me to him.

"Okay okay stoooop" I screamed as Desmond lifted me up putting me over his shoulder I squirmed in his arms hitting his back trying to get him to let me go buy it didn't work.

"My breath stink now?" He ket out and evil laugh as he started spinning around making me dizzy, he loved doing this and I don't know why. I screamed and laughed.

"Desmond no yo breath smell good let me go" I laughed hitting him as I was getting dizzier and dizzier. He was laughing so hard, his laugh was the cutest. He stopped spinning and slammed me on the bed like we were in the WWE.

"You play so much" I laid in the bed out of breath, he laughed and laid beside me. I noticed since I only had a shirt and underwear that my legs were full of love marks. I ran my fingers on them and reminisced on when he was between my legs.

"Damn" he said looking at my thighs, he reached his Hand out and rubbed my thighs.

"Yo ass is outta control look at my shit" I laughed rolling my eyes

"I mark what's mines" he shrugged his shoulder rubbing my thigh. He laid back and licked his pink juicy lips. He just so fine. I looked at him and smiled noticing all the hickeys that I gave him on his neck. It was nice to know that I did that and no other bitch did.

"I'm hungry as fuck tho, cook fa me" he said rubbing his stomach. I raised an eyebrow cause that's not how you ask someone to cook for you.

"I would if you ask nicer" I rolled my eyes, he turned his face towards me and smirked

"Can you cook for me bae?" I chuckled

"Let's go downstairs" I got up out of the bed and walked towards the door opening it and making my way downstairs with him following behind. I step into the kitchen and went straight to the refrigerator. I open it knowing immediately what to grab. I grabbed the breakfast sausage meat, butter and eggs and then closed the refrigerator. I then looked on the counter and grabbed the softened small potatoes, then reached into the cabinet and grabbed the pancake mix. I felt Desmond watch my every move.

After grabbing everything I needed I started cooking.

"Alexa play "Hot Now" by NBA Youngboy" I said while placing a pan on the stove and turning it in medium heat.

"Now Playing Hot Now by NBA Youngboy" Alexa said before I heard the song beat come on.

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