ch. 1 "island of the misfit boy"

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The sun came up, the moon rolled down, and I was getting ready for school. I didn't sleep last night. Or the night before. I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself. Horrendous dark circles were forming under my eyes. I start to struggle to hold myself back from thrusting my head straight the the fucking glass. But I refrain. Whatever. This is nothing a cup of coffee can't fix. But- What if my parents forgot the make the coffee?! What if they ran out of the coffee beans or the machine stopped working?! What if-

"Tweek!" My fathers voice made me jump. "Y-Yeah dad?" I squeaked, clutching my hands to my chest. "Are you ready for school? The bus will be here in 10 minutes!" I heard the sounds of his footsteps going in the opposite direction, meaning the conversation was over. Sighing, I ran my fingers through my matted blonde hair. This will have to do.

I ran out of my room, grabbed a cup of coffee and my school bag, and bursted out the door. I bumped face first into Craig Tucker's chest. He usually waits for me outside my house. "A-Ah, Craig! I'm s-sorry!!" My hands were trembling. I forgot he would be here! At least I didn't spill my coffee on him.

"Calm the fuck down." Craig said curtly. "You buttoned your shirt wrong again." He continued and knelt to re-button my shirt correctly. I felt my face heat up. " w-worked on our project last night.." I said to break the awkward silence. Craig raised his eyes and looked at me. "Did you sleep?" He deadpanned. I nodded quickly, sipping my coffee. I used to put sugar and creamer in it but now I drink it black. It works better. Craig sighed and stood back up. "You didn't do a good job of hiding those dark circles." He simply stated and began to walk toward the bus stop. I had no choice but to hastily follow.

School felt like hell every day. Kids teased me, calling me twitchy and crazy. Most of the time, though, Craig stands up for me. No one wants to mess with Craig. I hang out with him, Clyde Donovan, and Token Black. They are my only friends.

At lunch, while Clyde was going on about how hot his girlfriend Bebe was last night, Craig slid me a note. On the front, it said not to read it until I get home. I gave him a questioning look but he just turned away. The rest of the day went like normal. Being made fun of, being stood up for, and then doing my work silently.

The bus ride home is nearly as bad as school is. Craig sits with me though. I was curled up against the window with him on the opposite side of me when someone tapped my shoulder, making me jump. They snickered, triggering the rest of the bus to start laughing. Craig heard and turned to face the guy who did it. I hid my face from what was about to happen.


The kid walked off the bus with a bloody nose and a black eye. Craig recollected himself and sat back down as if nothing had happened. I hugged my knees to my chest and didn't speak a word until we got home.

20 minutes later, we reached our stop. I waited until the bus door closed before I spoke. "Y-You didn't have to do that." I murmured. Craig looked at me. "Yeah. But I did." He said. "You're g-gonna get in trouble!" I protested. Craig can't get suspended. I don't know what I would do. "Tweek, I swear, it'll be okay." He said and stopped in front of my house. "Don't forget about my note." And then he was gone.

I stared at the piece of paper in my hand. Slowly, I unfolded it.

I need you to come to our spot at the pond at EXACTLY 2:30 AM tonight. It's important.
- Craig

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