When you're cold [Scenarios]

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I think I butchered Simeon I'm so sorry ;w;

- He'd give you his cape thingy.
- If you're lucky, his gloves come off too ;)
- Subtle hand holding to keep your hands warm.
- Might actually take a break from paperwork to warm you up ;)
- If you're not careful, he'll warm you up all night.

- "Well I can't control the weather now, can I?!"
- In all seriousness, he'd ask you where you feel cold. If it's your hands, he'll hold them tight.
- Will rub his face against yours like a cat.
- Kissy kissy, muah muah but he's too embarassed to do that, so you pull the first move ;)

- He'll bring out his thick blanket he uses while watching anime.
- He brings you in to join him under there.
- You're sitting on his lap, his arms around your waist as you're snug as a bug in that blanket together.
- Yall watch all the animes uwu, snaccs included(you're a snacc!)

- He'd bring you nearby the fireplace(I'm assuming they have one, it's a classy home)
- He'll sit and read with you, occasionally pointing out his favourite parts, or things in the story that reminds him of you.
- Maybe you'd switch over to dramas that he downloaded on his D.D.D.
- But you just enjoy the company and warmth.

- Breaks out his whole ass wardrobe and finds whatever is warm and cozy.
- Plops you in all his outfits until you feel very nice and warm.
- Have a mini photoshoot!
- Kisses muah muah

- Would give you his hoodie, smells just like him.
- Makes you warm foods, soup perhaps?
- If he holds himself back well enough, he'll feed you.
- He'll cuddle you from behind, trying to keep you warm with himself.

- He'll grumble and pull you into wherever he's sleeping.
- The second you try to move, he pulls you back in.
- You're locked in his embrace until he wakes up.
- It's cozy.

Simeon (I'm sorry I can't dO THIS BABY I JUST DON'T KNOW)
- His angelic smile warms you up already, it's like he's the lost sunshine in your life.
- He'd sit with you and try to not be so weird about things.
- He'll make you tea :D

- He ensures the best enviroment to keep you warm now.
- He'll personally bring you warm drinks, and a nice thick blanket.
- He'll toss the blanket on you before leaping on you, locking you in a hug.
- You have a great time being his potato.

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