Flavoured Water?! [Scenarios]

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The brothers reactions to you using water flavouring packs (like Kool Aid) in the Devildom! This was requested by SunburntCorndog! (sorry it took so long ;w; this is also on the crackhead side a bit-)

How they found out!
They found you sitting in the kitchen pouring some weird powder into your glass of water. And so it begins.

- He wondered what the actual fuck were you doing with your water??? Like??? WHY?
- When you explained, he was quick to understand, which saved you a lot of time.
- You offered him to try it, to which he politely declined. (You forced him anyway :D )
- He... didn't like it as much.

- Ah, he thought you were putting gold dust into your water, I mean, it did turn yellow after you stirred in the powder.
- You explained about like... 10 times, until you gave up and just told him to try it.
- It took a while to convince him, since he was sure it was some weird potion.
- He liked it enough to ask you occasionally if he could have more.

- This boio knew exactly what it was at first glance. What? Ruri-chan has all those snacks, so why not "Magical Demon Water Flavourings~"?!
- You didn't have to explain a single bit to him, rather, you felt like he was talking more about it than you-
- He was quite willing to try it, but the only thing that was keeping him away from it was the fact it was just a normal packet, not an anime themed one.
- He said he'd enjoy it more if it were an anime one.

- Like Levi, he knew exactly what it was. Who knew he could find stuff about it in those books he has.
- He ended up explaining more about it to you, rather than you introduce it to him...
- He didn't seem at all hesitant to try, he was happy to have a drink with you really.
- He wouldn't mind having it again, with you of course.

- He was utterly confused, was it some beautifying product that you could add to your drink? Was he NOT UP TO TREND?!?!
- You slowly explained it to him, and he lost more and more interest when you really said there were not benefits to it-
- You somehow managed to convince him to try it, WITHOUT having to trade any of your... uh... yourself for it.
- He liked the flavour you chose, but he probably wouldn't have it again UNLESS it was an actual trend in the Devildom.

- He was totally interested, it had something to do with food- well something edible- water. He was interested in how you could jazz it up.
- He was so into your explanation that he wasn't even listening, he was just so interested in downing the whole cup.
- You offered him the whole cup, and he happily downed it ALL down.
- He LOVED IT! He asked you to share some more if you had any, which you'll happily do~!

- He could honestly care less, he did try to show interest, but he felt like it was more up Beel's alley.
- He was half asleep listening to you talk about it, he probably didn't listen to even 75% of what you said, I mean, you didn't mind?
- You offered him a bit of it, at the very least, you know?
- He... enjoyed it more than he thought he would! He seemed to be happy drinking it, and even suggested to share some with Beel.


One extra side character... drumroll...

- He was super intriguiged, to him, it was sorta like magic that you could cast!
- He listened to you explaining what it was, even asking questions about it. How did it work? Are there other types? 
- You literally just gave him your cup- you couldn't NOT give it to his happy sunshine teddy bear self.
- He liked it a lot! He asked that you bring back more the next time you come back from the human world! 

I really hoped you guys enjoyed this! Peace~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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