»8« - hoes, bokuaka, grades

284 11 2

4:54 am
Where the hoes are kept

Shrimp, Duolingo, Shittykawa and 9 others are online

Shittykawa: omfg why is this made

Iwachan: it's where hoes like you are kept

Iwachan: can't you read the fucking title

Shittykawa: okay rude

Duolingo: didn't you 2 just get together?

Duolingo: and y'all are fighting.. now?!

Akakaka: says the guy who-

Duolingo: agaashe no

Akakaka: you know my real name, stop faking it

Shrimp: why am i here

Shrimp: and why are we 'hoes'? Isn't that a gardening tool?

Shittykawa: you're a hoe too chibi-chan

Shittykawa: omfg this child has a hickey by a guy and he still doesn't know stuff

Milkboi: at least he isn't dirty minded like you

Shrimp: i just noticed kenma's name

Shrimp: why is he called gaymer??

Gaymer: i'm gay

Shrimp: o h

Gaymer: and a gamer

Gaymer: mash them both and you get gaymer shoyo

Shrimp: o  h

Daddy: i'm not a hoe wtf

Shittykawa: you're literally horny for sugawara 25/8

Daddy: fuck off oikawa

Shrimp: what's horny??

Iwachan: this is why oikawa should sometimes keep his mouth and his typing shut

Shittykawa: bruh can't we like tell him??

Gaymer: i'm not gonna let you corrupt him

Mommy: i've gotta agree with kenma, no one corrupts hinata

Shrimp: why? What does it mean when they tell me they're corrupting me??

Gaymer: it's nothing

Rooster: this is the most i've seen of kenma caring

Gaymer: i will shoot you

Rooster: how?? Cod??

Gaymer: watch me

Rooster: okay please no i don't wanna lose

Gaymer: no way out now

Rooster: someone help me

Gaymer and Rooster are offline

Duolingo: sucks to suck

Akakaka: dick

Duolingo: that doesn't suck akaashi

Duolingo: and you already know it ://

Mommy: i'm sorry WHAT

Daddy: we'd like you to explain please

Duolingo: oop-

Duolingo: gotta zoom

Duolingo is offline

Akakaka: why did you have to say that

Akakaka is offline

Shittykawa: y'all really ARE hoes

Iwachan: yea no shit sherlock

Mommy: omfg it's almost 5 am how are you guys not asleep??

Shrimp: i wake up at 4

Milkboi: you barely even sleep sometimes

Shrimp: but it's fine

Mommy: it is absolutely not fine

Shrimp: i sleep in class

Dino: that's why your grades suck

Gucci: 👋🏻😗

Gucci and Dino are offline

Shittykawa: i wonder if any of y'all had s e x before

Mommy: oikawa. Go.

Shittykawa: ciao

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