»11« - online class

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12:58 pm
Fuck all y'alls

Shrimp, Milkboi, Mommy and 2 others are online

Shrimp: fuck you kageyama

Milkboi: omfg wait no

Shrimp removed Milkboi

Shrimp: serves you right

Gaymer: who tf taught shoyo swear words

Shrimp: nishinoya

Neapolitan is online

Neapolitan: woops

Neapolitan is offline

Mommy: wait what did kageyama do?

Shrimp: he made fun of me when i couldn't get into the google classroom

Shittykawa: fuck that's betrayal

Mommy has added Milkboi

Mommy: but it's unnecessary to remove him

Milkboi is online

Milkboi: THANK YOU

Milkboi: and i already told you sorry so many times @shrimp

Shrimp: you are unforgivable

Gaymer: true true

Gaymer: if 1 of my boyfriends did that i would never forgive them

Rooster is online

Rooster: unless

Rooster: you know

Dino is online

Dino: ;))

Gucci is online

Gucci: omfg can y'all STOP

Gucci has left the chat

Gaymer: no

Gaymer has added Gucci

Gucci: i wanna cleanse my ears, eyes and brain

Gucci: please

Gaymer: same

Gaymer: why are our boyfriends like this

Rooster: you 2 know you love us ;))

Shittykawa: omfg take this to your own gc pls

Rooster: omg wait lets make a gc

Gaymer: no please

Gucci: how can i delete myself

Rooster, Gaymer, Gucci and 1 other are offline

Shittykawa: lmao what's wrong with them

Mommy: is hinata and kageyama still fighting?

Shrimp: yes he's still unforgivable

Milkboi: i'll buy you meat buns

Shrimp: ...

Milkboi: ONLY if you forgive me

Shrimp: fine

Shrimp: i forgive you

Milkboi: omg THANK YOU

Daddy is online

Daddy: while you're fighting because of something that happened in your online class


Shrimp: sorry dad

Milkboi: sorry

Daddy is offline

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