»38« - family gathering

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9:36 pm

Gayass, Innocentass and Shittykawa<3 are online

Gayass: fuck help me

Innocentass: what happened ken??

Gayass: i'm at a family gathering and they've left me alone with my little cousins

Gayass: these demons are trying to interact with me

Shittykawa<3: what are they doing though?

Gayass: who? the demons?

Shittykawa<3: yeah yeah them

Gayass: one of them is like?? idk?? throwing something at me??

Innocentass: whAT

Gayass: but like?? idk?? he's doing something

Gayass: how am i supposed to react? scared? suprised? how do you act like that when you're sitting down?

Shittykawa<3: yo yo chill

Gayass: now they're laughing at something wtf

Shittykawa<3: you're like, awkward awkward

Gayass: it's scary okay

Gayass: + they also asked me about tiktok

Gayass: what am i supposed to say??

Shittykawa<3: sad :'(

Shittykawa<3: lmao l e a v e the place

Gayass: can't, sadly

Innocentass: are you okay?

Gayass: guess so

Innocentass: stay calm!!

Innocentass: you'll get out soon!!

Gayass: thanks prince

Innocentass: aksnwkkdjwkandj

Shittykawa<3: stOP FUCKING FLIRTING—

Gayass has changed Innocentass's name into PrinceTadashi

Gayass: no thanks

Shittykawa<3: okay now you're making me feel lonely

Shittykawa<3: shit 😔✌🏻

Gayass: go get your "iwachan"

Shittykawa<3: @iwachannn

Shittykawa<3: help me bby

Iwachannn is online

Iwachannn: no

Shittykawa<3: okay r u d e

Iwachannn: pm

Shittykawa<3: okay 🥰

Iwachannn is offline

Gayass: how do you like him?

Shittykawa<3: don't really know but like ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ i love he

Gayass: whatever fits your boat i guess

Gayass: now go before he breaks up with you or something

Shittykawa<3: yessir \\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////

Shittykawa<3 is offline
Flirtass is online

Flirtass: ken you need help or something??

Gayass: nah i'm fine now i think

Flirtass: good 😌

[a/n: based on a true story. please i want to die here.]

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